{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}
module Function.NP where

import Level as L
open import Type hiding ()
open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Function       public
open import Data.Nat       using (; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; fold)
open import Data.Bool      renaming (Bool to 𝟚)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Vec.N-ary using (N-ary; N-ary-level)
import Category.Monad.Identity as Id
open import Category.Monad renaming (module RawMonad to Monad; RawMonad to Monad)
open import Category.Applicative renaming (module RawApplicative to Applicative; RawApplicative to Applicative)
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.NP as 
open  using (_≡_; _≗_)
open import Relation.Unary.Logical
open import Relation.Binary.Logical
open Relation.Unary.Logical public using (_[→]_; [Π]; [Π]e; [∀])
open Relation.Binary.Logical public using (_⟦→⟧_; ⟦Π⟧; ⟦Π⟧e; ⟦∀⟧)

Π :  {a b} (A :  a)  (B : A   b)   _
Π A B = (x : A)  B x

ΠΠ :  {a b c} (A :  a) (B : A   b) (C : Σ A B   c)   _
ΠΠ A B C = Π A λ x  Π (B x) λ y  C (x , y)

ΠΠΠ :  {a b c d} (A :  a) (B : A   b)
                  (C : Σ A B   c) (D : Σ (Σ A B) C   d)   _
ΠΠΠ A B C D = Π A λ x  Π (B x) λ y  Π (C (x , y)) λ z  D ((x , y) , z)

id-app :  {f}  Applicative {f} id
id-app = rawIApplicative
  where open Monad Id.IdentityMonad

-→- :  {a b} (A :  a) (B :  b)   (a L.⊔ b)
-→- A B = A  B

_→⟨_⟩_ :  {a b} (A :  a) (n : ) (B :  b)   (N-ary-level a b n)
A →⟨ n  B = N-ary n A B

_→⟨_⟩₀_ :  (A : ★₀) (n : ) (B : ★₀)  ★₀
A →⟨ zero  ⟩₀ B = B
A →⟨ suc n ⟩₀ B = A  A →⟨ n ⟩₀ B

_→⟨_⟩₁_ :  (A : ★₀) (n : ) (B : ★₁)  ★₁
A →⟨ zero  ⟩₁ B = B
A →⟨ suc n ⟩₁ B = A  A →⟨ n ⟩₁ B

Endo :  {a}   a   a
Endo A = A  A

[Endo] :  {a}  ([★] {a} a [→] [★] _) Endo
[Endo] Aₚ = Aₚ [→] Aₚ

⟦Endo⟧ :  {a}  (⟦★⟧ {a} {a} a ⟦→⟧ ⟦★⟧ _) Endo Endo
⟦Endo⟧ Aᵣ = Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Aᵣ

Cmp :  {a}   a   a
Cmp A = A  A  𝟚

{- needs [𝟚] and ⟦𝟚⟧ potentially move these to Data.Two

[Cmp] : ∀ {a} → ([★] {a} a [→] [★] _ [→] [★] _) Cmp
[Cmp] Aₚ = Aₚ [→] Aₚ [→] [𝟚]

⟦Cmp⟧ : ∀ {a} → (⟦★⟧ {a} {a} a ⟦→⟧ ⟦★⟧ _) Endo Endo
⟦Cmp⟧ Aᵣ = Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ ⟦𝟚⟧

-- More properties about fold are in Data.Nat.NP
nest :  {a} {A :  a}    Endo (Endo A)
-- TMP nest n f x = fold x f n
nest zero f x = x
nest (suc n) f x = f (nest n f x)

module nest-Properties {a} {A :  a} (f : Endo A) where
  nest₀ : nest 0 f  id
  nest₀ = ≡.refl
  nest₁ : nest 1 f  f
  nest₁ = ≡.refl
  nest₂ : nest 2 f  f  f
  nest₂ = ≡.refl
  nest₃ : nest 3 f  f  f  f
  nest₃ = ≡.refl

  nest-+ :  m n  nest (m + n) f  nest m f  nest n f
  nest-+ zero    n = ≡.refl
  nest-+ (suc m) n = ≡.cong (_∘_ f) (nest-+ m n)

  nest-+' :  m n  nest (m + n) f  nest m f  nest n f
  nest-+' m n x = ≡.cong (flip _$_ x) (nest-+ m n)

  nest-* :  m n  nest (m * n) f  nest m (nest n f)
  nest-* zero n x = ≡.refl
  nest-* (suc m) n x =
    nest (suc m * n) f x             ≡⟨ ≡.refl 
    nest (n + m * n) f x             ≡⟨ nest-+' n (m * n) x 
    (nest n f  nest (m * n) f) x    ≡⟨ ≡.cong (nest n f) (nest-* m n x) 
    (nest n f  nest m (nest n f)) x ≡⟨ ≡.refl 
    nest n f (nest m (nest n f) x)   ≡⟨ ≡.refl 
    nest (suc m) (nest n f) x 
   where open ≡.≡-Reasoning

module more-nest-Properties {a} {A : ★ a} where
  nest-+'' : ∀ (f : Endo (Endo A)) g m n → nest m f g ∘ nest n f g ≗ nest (m + n) f g
  nest-+'' f g zero n = {!!}
  nest-+'' f g (suc m) n = {!!}

_$⟨_⟩_ :  {a} {A :  a}  Endo A    Endo A
_$⟨_⟩_ f n = nest n f

-- If you run a version of Agda without the support of instance
-- arguments, simply comment this definition, very little code rely on it.
 :  {a} {A :  a}  x : A   A
  x  = x

_⟨_⟩°_ :  {i a b c} {Ix :  i} {A :  a} {B : A   b} {C : (x : A)  B x   c}
          (f  : Ix  A)
          (op : (x : A) (y : B x)  C x y)
          (g  : (i : Ix)  B (f i))
          (i : Ix)  C (f i) (g i)
(f  _∙_ ⟩° g) x = f x  g x

module Combinators where
    S :  {A B C : ★₀} 
          (A  B  C) 
          (A  B) 
          (A  C)
    S = _ˢ_

    K :  {A B : ★₀}  A  B  A
    K = const

    -- B ≗ _∘_
    B :  {A B C : ★₀}  (B  C)  (A  B)  A  C
    B = S (K S) K

    -- C ≗ flip
    C :  {A B C : ★₀}  (A  B  C)  B  A  C
    C = S (S (K (S (K S) K)) S) (K K)

module EndoMonoid-≈ {a } {A :  a}
                    {_≈_ : Endo A  Endo A   }
                    (isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_)
                    (∘-cong : _∘′_ Preserves₂ _≈_  _≈_  _≈_)
    module  = IsEquivalence isEquivalence
    isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _≈_ _∘′_
    isSemigroup = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence; assoc = λ _ _ _  ≈.refl; ∙-cong = ∘-cong }

  monoid : Monoid a 
  monoid = record { Carrier = Endo A; _≈_ = _≈_; _∙_ = _∘′_; ε = id
                  ; isMonoid = record { isSemigroup = isSemigroup
                                      ; identity =  _  ≈.refl) ,  _  ≈.refl) } }

  open Monoid monoid public

module EndoMonoid-≡ {a} (A :  a) = EndoMonoid-≈ {A = A} ≡.isEquivalence (≡.cong₂ _∘′_)

module EndoMonoid-≗ {a} (A :  a) = EndoMonoid-≈ (Setoid.isEquivalence (A ≡.→-setoid A))
                                                    {f} {g} {h} {i} p q x  ≡.trans (p (h x)) (≡.cong g (q x)))

⟦id⟧ : (∀⟨ Aᵣ  ⟦★₀⟧ ⟩⟦→⟧ Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Aᵣ) id id
⟦id⟧ _ xᵣ = xᵣ

⟦∘′⟧ : (∀⟨ Aᵣ  ⟦★₀⟧ ⟩⟦→⟧ ∀⟨ Bᵣ  ⟦★₀⟧ ⟩⟦→⟧ ∀⟨ Cᵣ  ⟦★₀⟧ ⟩⟦→⟧ (Bᵣ ⟦→⟧ Cᵣ) ⟦→⟧ (Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Bᵣ) ⟦→⟧ (Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Cᵣ)) _∘′_ _∘′_
⟦∘′⟧ _ _ _ fᵣ gᵣ xᵣ = fᵣ (gᵣ xᵣ)