{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
-- The Agda standard library
-- Function setoids and related constructions

module Function.Equality where

open import Function as Fun using (_on_)
open import Level
import Relation.Binary as B
import Relation.Binary.Indexed as I

-- Functions which preserve equality

record Π {f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂}
         (From : B.Setoid f₁ f₂)
         (To : I.Setoid (B.Setoid.Carrier From) t₁ t₂) :
         Set (f₁  f₂  t₁  t₂) where
  open I using (_=[_]⇒_)
  infixl 5 _⟨$⟩_
    _⟨$⟩_ : (x : B.Setoid.Carrier From)  I.Setoid.Carrier To x
    cong  : B.Setoid._≈_ From =[ _⟨$⟩_ ]⇒ I.Setoid._≈_ To

open Π public

infixr 0 _⟶_

_⟶_ :  {f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂}  B.Setoid f₁ f₂  B.Setoid t₁ t₂  Set _
From  To = Π From (B.Setoid.indexedSetoid To)

-- Identity and composition.

id :  {a₁ a₂} {A : B.Setoid a₁ a₂}  A  A
id = record { _⟨$⟩_ = Fun.id; cong = Fun.id }

infixr 9 _∘_

_∘_ :  {a₁ a₂} {A : B.Setoid a₁ a₂}
        {b₁ b₂} {B : B.Setoid b₁ b₂}
        {c₁ c₂} {C : B.Setoid c₁ c₂} 
      B  C  A  B  A  C
f  g = record
  { _⟨$⟩_ = Fun._∘_ (_⟨$⟩_ f) (_⟨$⟩_ g)
  ; cong  = Fun._∘_ (cong  f) (cong  g)

-- Constant equality-preserving function.

const :  {a₁ a₂} {A : B.Setoid a₁ a₂}
          {b₁ b₂} {B : B.Setoid b₁ b₂} 
        B.Setoid.Carrier B  A  B
const {B = B} b = record
  { _⟨$⟩_ = Fun.const b
  ; cong  = Fun.const (B.Setoid.refl B)

-- Function setoids

-- Dependent.

setoid :  {f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂}
         (From : B.Setoid f₁ f₂) 
         I.Setoid (B.Setoid.Carrier From) t₁ t₂ 
         B.Setoid _ _
setoid From To = record
  { Carrier       = Π From To
  ; _≈_           = λ f g   {x y}  x ≈₁ y  f ⟨$⟩ x ≈₂ g ⟨$⟩ y
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl  = λ {f}  cong f
    ; sym   = λ f∼g x∼y  To.sym (f∼g (From.sym x∼y))
    ; trans = λ f∼g g∼h x∼y  To.trans (f∼g From.refl) (g∼h x∼y)
  open module From = B.Setoid From using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈₁_)
  open module To = I.Setoid To   using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈₂_)

-- Non-dependent.

infixr 0 _⇨_

_⇨_ :  {f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂}  B.Setoid f₁ f₂  B.Setoid t₁ t₂  B.Setoid _ _
From  To = setoid From (B.Setoid.indexedSetoid To)

-- A variant of setoid which uses the propositional equality setoid
-- for the domain, and a more convenient definition of _≈_.

≡-setoid :  {f t₁ t₂} (From : Set f)  I.Setoid From t₁ t₂  B.Setoid _ _
≡-setoid From To = record
  { Carrier       = (x : From)  Carrier x
  ; _≈_           = λ f g   x  f x  g x
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl  = λ {f} x  refl
    ; sym   = λ f∼g x  sym (f∼g x)
    ; trans = λ f∼g g∼h x  trans (f∼g x) (g∼h x)
  } where open I.Setoid To