-- NOTE with-K
module Data.Maybe.NP where

open import Type hiding ()
open import Function
import Level as L
open L using (_⊔_; lift; Lift)
open import Data.Maybe public
open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties
open import Category.Applicative
import      Category.Monad as Cat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (_≡_;_≗_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Logical
open import Relation.Unary.Logical
open import Function using (_$_;flip;id)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Zero using (𝟘; 𝟘-elim)
open import Data.One using (𝟙)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_)

Π? :  {a b} (A :  a) (B : A   b)   _
Π? A B = (x : A)  Maybe (B x)

infixr 0 _→?_
_→?_ :  {a b}   a   b   _
A →? B = A  Maybe B

module M?  where
  open Cat.RawMonadPlus (monadPlus {}) public
  applicative = rawIApplicative

open M? public using (applicative)

infixl 4 _⊛?_

-- More universe-polymorphic than M?._⊛_
_⊛?_ :  {a b}{A :  a}{B :  b}  Maybe (A  B)  Maybe A  Maybe B
just f  ⊛? just x = just (f x)
_       ⊛? _      = nothing

infixl 1 _>>=?_

-- More universe-polymorphic than M?._>>=_
_>>=?_ :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}  Maybe A  (A  Maybe B)  Maybe B
mx >>=? f = maybe f nothing mx

infixr 1 _=<<?_

-- More universe-polymorphic than M?._=<<_
_=<<?_ :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}  (A  Maybe B)  Maybe A  Maybe B
f =<<? mx = mx >>=? f

-- More universe-polymorphic than M?._<$>_
map? :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}  (A  B)  Maybe A  Maybe B
map? f mx = mx >>=? (just  f)

_<$?_ :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}  A  Maybe B  Maybe A
_<$?_ x = map? (const x)

⟪_·_⟫? :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}  (A  B)  Maybe A  Maybe B
 f · x ⟫? = map? f x

⟪_·_·_⟫? :  {a b c}
             {A :  a} {B :  b} {C :  c} 
             (A  B  C)  Maybe A  Maybe B  Maybe C
 f · x · y ⟫? = map? f x ⊛? y

⟪_·_·_·_⟫? :  {a b c d}
               {A :  a} {B :  b} {C :  c} {D :  d}
              (A  B  C  D)
              Maybe A  Maybe B  Maybe C  Maybe D
 f · x · y · z ⟫? = map? f x ⊛? y ⊛? z

join? :  {a} {A :  a}  Maybe (Maybe A)  Maybe A
join? = _=<<?_ id

Maybe^ :  {a}     a   a
Maybe^ zero    = id
Maybe^ (suc n) = Maybe  Maybe^ n

just^ :  {a} {A :  a} n  A  Maybe^ n A
just^ zero x = x
just^ (suc n) x = just (just^ n x)

Maybe^-∘-+ :  {a} m n (A :  a)  Maybe^ m (Maybe^ n A)  Maybe^ (m + n) A
Maybe^-∘-+ zero    _ _ = ≡.refl
Maybe^-∘-+ (suc m) _ _ = ≡.cong Maybe (Maybe^-∘-+ m _ _)

just-injective :  {a} {A :  a} {x y : A}
                  Maybe.just x  just y  x  y
just-injective ≡.refl = ≡.refl

maybe-just-nothing :  {a} {A :  a}  maybe {A = A} just nothing  id
maybe-just-nothing (just _)  = ≡.refl
maybe-just-nothing nothing   = ≡.refl

_≡JAll_ :  {a} {A :  a} (x y : Maybe A)   a
x ≡JAll y = All  y'  All (_≡_ y') y) x

_≡JAny_ :  {a} {A :  a} (x y : Maybe A)   a
x ≡JAny y = Any  y'  Any (_≡_ y') y) x

≡JAll-refl :  {a} {A :  a} {x : Maybe A}  x ≡JAll x
≡JAll-refl {x = just x}  = just (just ≡.refl)
≡JAll-refl {x = nothing} = nothing

just? :  {a} {A :  a}  Maybe A  ★₀
just? nothing  = 𝟘
just? (just _) = 𝟙

just?→Is-just :  {a} {A :  a} {x : Maybe A}  just? x  Is-just x
just?→Is-just {x = just _}  p = just _
just?→Is-just {x = nothing} ()

Any→just? :  {a p} {A :  a} {P : A   p} {x}  Any P x  just? x
Any→just? (just _) = _

data [Maybe] {a p} {A :  a} (Aₚ : A   p) : Maybe A   (a  p) where
  nothing : [Maybe] Aₚ nothing
  just    : (Aₚ [→] [Maybe] Aₚ) just

[maybe] :  {a b}  (∀⟨ Aₚ  [★] a ⟩[→] (∀⟨ Bₚ  [★] b ⟩[→] ((Aₚ [→] Bₚ) [→] (Bₚ [→] ([Maybe] Aₚ [→] Bₚ)))))
                     (maybe {a} {b})
[maybe] _ _ justₚ nothingₚ (just xₚ) = justₚ xₚ
[maybe] _ _ justₚ nothingₚ nothing   = nothingₚ

[map?] :  {a b}  (∀⟨ Aₚ  [★] a ⟩[→] ∀⟨ Bₚ  [★] b ⟩[→] (Aₚ [→] Bₚ) [→] [Maybe] Aₚ [→] [Maybe] Bₚ) (map? {a} {b})
[map?] _ _ fₚ (just xₚ) = just (fₚ xₚ)
[map?] _ _ fₚ nothing   = nothing

data ⟦Maybe⟧ {a b r} {A :  a} {B :  b} (_∼_ : A  B   r) : Maybe A  Maybe B   (a  b  r) where
  just    :  {x₁ x₂}  (xᵣ : x₁  x₂)  ⟦Maybe⟧ _∼_ (just x₁) (just x₂)
  nothing : ⟦Maybe⟧ _∼_ nothing nothing

⟦maybe⟧ :  {a b}  (∀⟨ Aᵣ  ⟦★⟧ a ⟩⟦→⟧ (∀⟨ Bᵣ  ⟦★⟧ b ⟩⟦→⟧ ((Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Bᵣ) ⟦→⟧ (Bᵣ ⟦→⟧ (⟦Maybe⟧ Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Bᵣ)))))
                     (maybe {a} {b}) (maybe {a} {b})
⟦maybe⟧ _ _ justᵣ nothingᵣ (just xᵣ) = justᵣ xᵣ
⟦maybe⟧ _ _ justᵣ nothingᵣ nothing   = nothingᵣ

⟦map?⟧ :  {a b}  (∀⟨ Aᵣ  ⟦★⟧ a ⟩⟦→⟧ ∀⟨ Bᵣ  ⟦★⟧ b ⟩⟦→⟧ (Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ Bᵣ) ⟦→⟧ ⟦Maybe⟧ Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ ⟦Maybe⟧ Bᵣ) (map? {a} {b}) (map? {a} {b})
⟦map?⟧ _ _ fᵣ (just xᵣ) = just (fᵣ xᵣ)
⟦map?⟧ _ _ fᵣ nothing   = nothing

⟦map?-id⟧ :  {a}  (∀⟨ Aᵣ  ⟦★⟧ {a} {a} a ⟩⟦→⟧ ⟦Maybe⟧ Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ ⟦Maybe⟧ Aᵣ) (map? id) id
⟦map?-id⟧ _ (just xᵣ) = just xᵣ
⟦map?-id⟧ _ nothing   = nothing

Any-join? :  {a p} {A :  a} {P : A   p} {x}  Any (Any P) x  Any P (join? x)
Any-join? (just p) = p

All-join? :  {a p} {A :  a} {P : A   p} {x}  All (All P) x  All P (join? x)
All-join? (just p) = p
All-join? nothing  = nothing

Any-join?′ :  {a p} {A :  a} {P : A   p} {x}  Any P (join? x)  Any (Any P) x
Any-join?′ {x = just x}  p = just p
Any-join?′ {x = nothing} ()

All-join?′ :  {a p} {A :  a} {P : A   p} {x}  All P (join? x)  All (All P) x
All-join?′ {x = just x}  p       = just p
All-join?′ {x = nothing} nothing = nothing

Any→Is-just :  {a p} {A :  a} {P : A   p} {x}  Any P x  Is-just x
Any→Is-just (just _) = just _

just≡→just? :  {a} {A :  a} {x} {y : A}  x  just y  just? x
just≡→just? ≡.refl = _

just?-join? :  {a} {A :  a} {x : Maybe (Maybe A)}  just? (join? x)  just? x
just?-join? = Any→just?  Any-join?′  just?→Is-just

Any-just?-join? :  {A : ★₀} (x : Maybe (Maybe A))  just? (join? x)  Any just? x
Any-just?-join? (just (just _)) _ = just _
Any-just?-join? (just nothing)  ()
Any-just?-join? nothing         ()

just?-map? :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} (f : A  B)
               (x : Maybe A)  just? (map? f x)  just? x
just?-map? f (just x) pf = _
just?-map? f nothing  ()

infix 4 _≗?_

_≗?_ :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} 
         (f g : A →? B)   _
(f ≗? g) =  x  f x ≡JAll g x

_∘?_ :  {a b c} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C :  c}
        B →? C  A →? B  A →? C
(f ∘? g) x = g x >>=? f

∘?-just :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} 
            (f : A →? B)  f ∘? just ≗? f
∘?-just f x = ≡JAll-refl

just-∘? :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} 
            (f : A →? B)  just ∘? f ≗? f
just-∘? f x with f x
just-∘? f x | just _  = just (just ≡.refl)
just-∘? f x | nothing = nothing

∘?-assoc :  {a b c d} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C :  c} {D :  d}
             (f : C →? D) (g : B →? C) (h : A →? B)
              (f ∘? g) ∘? h  f ∘? (g ∘? h)
∘?-assoc f g h x with h x
∘?-assoc f g h x | just _  = ≡.refl
∘?-assoc f g h x | nothing = ≡.refl

T[_] :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} (f? : A →? B)   (a L.⊔ b)
T[_] {A = A} {B} f? = (x : A)  .{pf : just? (f? x)}  B

F[_] :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} (f? : A →? B)  T[ f? ]
F[ f? ] x {pf} with f? x
F[ f? ] x      | just r  = r
F[ f? ] x {()} | nothing

T'[_] :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} (f? : A →? B)   (a L.⊔ b)
T'[_] {A = A} {B} f? = (x : A)  Is-just (f? x)  B

F'[_] :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} (f? : A →? B)  T'[ f? ]
F'[ f? ] x pf with f? x
F'[ f? ] x (just {y} _) | .(just y) = y

-- F[ f? ] ⟶ F'[ f? ]

module F[] where
    _[≗]_ :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}
              {f? g? : A →? B}
              (f : T[ f? ]) (g : T[ g? ])   _
    f [≗] g =  x {pf1} {pf2}  f x {pf1}  g x {pf2}

    [id] :  {a} {A :  a}  T[ just {A = A} ]
    [id] = F[ just ]

    {- might actually be wrong
    []-just-≡ : ∀ {a b} {A : ★ a} {B : ★ b} {f? : A →? B} (f : T[ f? ]) {x} (pf : just? (f? x)) → just (f x {pf}) ≡ f? x
    []-just-≡ {f? = f?} f {x} pf = {!!}

    _[∘]_ :  {a b c} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C :  c}
              {f? : B →? C} {g? : A →? B}
             T[ f? ]  T[ g? ]  T[ f? ∘? g? ]
    _[∘]_ {f? = f?} {g?} f g x {pf} with g? x
    _[∘]_ f g x {pf} | just y  = f y {pf}
    _[∘]_ f g x {()} | nothing

    [id]-[∘] : ∀ {a b} {A : ★ a} {B : ★ b}
                 {f? : A →? B} (f : T[ f? ]) → (F[ just ] [∘] f) [≗] f
    [id]-[∘] {f? = f?} f x {pf1} {pf2} = just-injective {!(≡.sym (≡.trans ([]-just-≡ f pf2) ?))!}

    [∘]-[id] :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}
                 {f? : A →? B} (f : T[ f? ])  (f [∘] [id]) [≗] f
    [∘]-[id] {f? = f?} f x {pf1} {pf2} = ≡.refl

_[→?]_ :  {a b pa pb}  ([★] {a} pa [→] [★] {b} pb [→] [★] _) _→?_
Aₚ [→?] Bₚ = Aₚ [→] [Maybe] Bₚ

_⟦→?⟧_ :  {a0 a1 ar b0 b1 br}  (⟦★⟧ {a0} {a1} ar ⟦→⟧ ⟦★⟧ {b0} {b1} br ⟦→⟧ ⟦★⟧ _) _→?_ _→?_
Aᵣ ⟦→?⟧ Bᵣ = Aᵣ ⟦→⟧ ⟦Maybe⟧ Bᵣ

module ⟦Maybe⟧-Properties where

  refl :  {a p} {A :  a} {_∼_ : A  A   p} (refl-A :  x  x  x) (mx : Maybe A)  ⟦Maybe⟧ _∼_ mx mx
  refl refl-A (just x) = just (refl-A x)
  refl refl-A nothing  = nothing

  sym :  {a b r₁ r₂} {A :  a} {B :  b} {_∼₁_ : A  B   r₁} {_∼₂_ : B  A   r₂}
          (sym-AB :  {x y}  x ∼₁ y  y ∼₂ x) {mx : Maybe A} {my : Maybe B}
         ⟦Maybe⟧ _∼₁_ mx my  ⟦Maybe⟧ _∼₂_ my mx
  sym sym-A (just x∼₁y) = just (sym-A x∼₁y)
  sym sym-A nothing     = nothing

  trans :  {a b c r₁ r₂ r₃} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C :  c}
            {_⟦AB⟧_ : A  B   r₁}
            {_⟦BC⟧_ : B  C   r₂}
            {_⟦AC⟧_ : A  C   r₃}
            (trans :  {x y z}  x ⟦AB⟧ y  y ⟦BC⟧ z  x ⟦AC⟧ z)
            {mx : Maybe A} {my : Maybe B} {mz : Maybe C}
           ⟦Maybe⟧ _⟦AB⟧_ mx my  ⟦Maybe⟧ _⟦BC⟧_ my mz
           ⟦Maybe⟧ _⟦AC⟧_ mx mz
  trans trans' (just x∼y) (just y∼z) = just (trans' x∼y y∼z)
  trans trans' nothing    nothing    = nothing

  subst-⟦AB⟧ :  {a b p q r} {A :  a} {B :  b}
                 (P : Maybe A   p)
                 (Q : Maybe B   q)
                 (⟦AB⟧ : A  B   r)
                 (subst-⟦AB⟧-just :  {x y}  ⟦AB⟧ x y  P (just x)  Q (just y))
                 (Pnothing→Qnothing : P nothing  Q nothing)
                 {mx : Maybe A} {my : Maybe B}
                (⟦Maybe⟧ ⟦AB⟧ mx my)  P mx  Q my
  subst-⟦AB⟧ _ _ _ subst-⟦AB⟧-just _ (just x∼y) Pmx = subst-⟦AB⟧-just x∼y Pmx
  subst-⟦AB⟧ _ _ _ _               f nothing    Pnothing = f Pnothing

  subst :  {a p r} {A :  a}
            (P : Maybe A   p)
            (Aᵣ : A  A   r)
            (subst-Aᵣ :  {x y}  Aᵣ x y  P (just x)  P (just y))
            {mx my}
           (⟦Maybe⟧ Aᵣ mx my)  P mx  P my
  subst P Aᵣ subst-Aᵣ = subst-⟦AB⟧ P P Aᵣ subst-Aᵣ id

Is-nothing-≡nothing :  {a} {A :  a} {x : Maybe A}  Is-nothing x  x  nothing
Is-nothing-≡nothing nothing = ≡.refl
Is-nothing-≡nothing (just ())

≡nothing-Is-nothing :  {a} {A :  a} {x : Maybe A}  x  nothing  Is-nothing x
≡nothing-Is-nothing ≡.refl = nothing

module FunctorLemmas {a} where
  open M? a

  <$>-injective₁ : ∀ {A B}
                     {f : A → B} {x y : Maybe A}
                     (f-inj : ∀ {x y} → f x ≡ f y → x ≡ y)
                   → f <$> x ≡ f <$> y → x ≡ y
  <$>-injective₁ {f = f} {x}  {y} f-inj =
    maybe {B = {!λ x → f <$> x ≡ f <$> y → x ≡ y!} {!!} x
  <$>-injective₁ {x = just _}  {just _}  f-inj eq = ≡.cong just (f-inj (just-injective eq))
  <$>-injective₁ {x = nothing} {nothing} _     _  = ≡.refl
  <$>-injective₁ {x = just _}  {nothing} _     ()
  <$>-injective₁ {x = nothing} {just _}  _     ()
  <$>-assoc :  {A B C} {f : A  B} {g : C  A} (x : Maybe C)  f  g <$> x  f <$> (g <$> x)
  <$>-assoc (just _) = ≡.refl
  <$>-assoc nothing  = ≡.refl

module MonadLemmas {a} where

  open M? a public
 --  open RawApplicative applicative public

  cong-Maybe :  {A B}
                 (f : A  B) {x y}  x  pure y  f <$> x  pure (f y)
  cong-Maybe f ≡.refl = ≡.refl

  cong₂-Maybe :  {A B C}
                  (f : A  B  C) {x y u v}  x  pure y  u  pure v  pure f  x  u  pure (f y v)
  cong₂-Maybe f ≡.refl ≡.refl = ≡.refl

  Maybe-comm-monad :
     {A B C} {x y} {f : A  B  Maybe C} 
      (x >>= λ x'  y >>= λ y'  f x' y')
     (y >>= λ y'  x >>= λ x'  f x' y')
  Maybe-comm-monad {x = nothing} {nothing}  = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-monad {x = nothing} {just _}   = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-monad {x = just _}  {nothing}  = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-monad {x = just _}  {just _}   = ≡.refl

  Maybe-comm-appl :  {A B} {f : Maybe (A  B)} {x}  f  x  (flip _$_) <$> x  f
  Maybe-comm-appl {f = nothing} {nothing}  = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-appl {f = nothing} {just _}   = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-appl {f = just _}  {nothing}  = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-appl {f = just _}  {just _}   = ≡.refl

  Maybe-comm-appl₂ :  {A B C} {f : A  B  C} {x y}  f <$> x  y  flip f <$> y  x
  Maybe-comm-appl₂ {x = nothing} {nothing}  = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-appl₂ {x = nothing} {just _}   = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-appl₂ {x = just _}  {nothing}  = ≡.refl
  Maybe-comm-appl₂ {x = just _}  {just _}   = ≡.refl

module MonoidFromSemigroup {c } (sg   : Semigroup c )
                                 {_≈?_ : let open Semigroup sg
                                         in Maybe Carrier  Maybe Carrier   }
                                 (isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈?_)
                                 (just-cong : let open Semigroup sg in
                                              just Preserves _≈_  _≈?_)
                                 (just-inj  : let open Semigroup sg in
                                              (_≈?_ on just)  _≈_)
                                 (just≉nothing :  {x}  ¬(just x ≈? nothing)) where
    module SG = Semigroup sg
    open SG using (_≈_) renaming (Carrier to A; _∙_ to op)
    module   = IsEquivalence SG.isEquivalence
    module ≈? = IsEquivalence isEquivalence
    _∙_ : Op₂ (Maybe A)
    just x   just y  = just (op x y)
    just x   nothing = just x
    nothing  y?      = y?

    ε : Maybe A
    ε = nothing

    assoc : Associative _≈?_ _∙_
    assoc (just x) (just y) (just z) = just-cong (SG.assoc x y z)
    assoc (just _) (just _) nothing  = ≈?.refl
    assoc (just _) nothing  _        = ≈?.refl
    assoc nothing  _        _        = ≈?.refl

    right-identity : RightIdentity _≈?_ ε _∙_
    right-identity (just _) = ≈?.refl
    right-identity nothing  = ≈?.refl

    ∙-cong : _∙_ Preserves₂ _≈?_  _≈?_  _≈?_
    ∙-cong {just _}{just _}{just _}{just _}   p q
      = just-cong (SG.∙-cong (just-inj p) (just-inj q))
    ∙-cong {just _}{just _}{just _}{nothing}  p q = 𝟘-elim (just≉nothing q)
    ∙-cong {just _}{just _}{nothing}{just _}  p q = 𝟘-elim (just≉nothing (≈?.sym q))
    ∙-cong {just _}{just _}{nothing}{nothing} p q = p
    ∙-cong {nothing} {nothing} p q = q
    ∙-cong {just _}  {nothing} p q = 𝟘-elim (just≉nothing p)
    ∙-cong {nothing} {just _}  p q = 𝟘-elim (just≉nothing (≈?.sym p))

  monoid : Monoid c 
  monoid = record { Carrier = Maybe A
                  ; _≈_ = _≈?_
                  ; _∙_ = _∙_
                  ; ε = ε
                  ; isMonoid
                    = record { isSemigroup
                               = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
                                        ; assoc = assoc; ∙-cong = ∙-cong }
                             ; identity =  _  ≈?.refl) , right-identity } }

  open Monoid monoid public

module Monoid-≡ {a} {A :  a} {op : Op₂ A} (isSg : IsSemigroup _≡_ op)
  = MonoidFromSemigroup (record { isSemigroup = isSg })
                        ≡.isEquivalence (≡.cong just) just-injective

module First-≈ {a } {A :  a} {_≈_ : Maybe A  Maybe A   }
               (isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_)
               (just≉nothing :  {x}  ¬(just x  nothing)) where
    module  = IsEquivalence isEquivalence
    _∙_ : Op₂ (Maybe A)
    x  y = maybe just y x

    ε : Maybe A
    ε = nothing

    assoc : Associative _≈_ _∙_
    assoc (just _) _ _ = ≈.refl
    assoc nothing  _ _ = ≈.refl

    right-identity : RightIdentity _≈_ ε _∙_
    right-identity (just _) = ≈.refl
    right-identity nothing  = ≈.refl

    ∙-cong : _∙_ Preserves₂ _≈_  _≈_  _≈_
    ∙-cong {just _} {just _}   p q = p
    ∙-cong {nothing} {nothing} p q = q
    ∙-cong {just _} {nothing}  p q = 𝟘-elim (just≉nothing p)
    ∙-cong {nothing} {just _}  p q = 𝟘-elim (just≉nothing (≈.sym p))

  monoid : Monoid a 
  monoid = record { Carrier = Maybe A
                  ; _≈_ = _≈_
                  ; _∙_ = _∙_
                  ; ε = ε
                  ; isMonoid
                    = record { isSemigroup
                               = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
                                        ; assoc = assoc; ∙-cong = ∙-cong }
                             ; identity =  _  ≈.refl) , right-identity } }

  open Monoid monoid public

module First {a} (A :  a) = First-≈ {A = A} ≡.isEquivalence (λ())
-- -}