-- NOTE with-K so far
-- TODO {-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module Data.Nat.NP where

open import Type hiding ()
import Algebra
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties.NP
open import Data.Nat public hiding (module GeneralisedArithmetic; module ≤-Reasoning; fold)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Nat.Logical
open import Data.Two hiding (_==_)
import Data.Two.Equality as 𝟚==
open import Data.Product using (proj₁; proj₂;; _,_)
open import Data.Sum renaming (map to ⊎-map)
open import Data.Zero using (𝟘-elim; 𝟘)
open import Function.NP
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.NP
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.NP as 
open  using (_≡_; _≢_; _≗_; module ≡-Reasoning; !_; _∙_; ap) renaming (refl to idp)

ℕˢ = ≡.setoid 

module ℕcmp = StrictTotalOrder strictTotalOrder
module ℕ≤   = DecTotalOrder decTotalOrder
module ℕ°   = Algebra.CommutativeSemiring commutativeSemiring
module ℕ+   = Algebra.CommutativeMonoid ℕ°.+-commutativeMonoid
module ℕ+′  = Algebra.Monoid ℕ°.+-monoid
module ⊔°   = Algebra.CommutativeSemiringWithoutOne ⊔-⊓-0-commutativeSemiringWithoutOne
module ℕˢ   = Setoid ℕˢ

infixr 8 _∙≤_
_∙≤_ = ℕ≤.trans
_∙cmp_ = ℕcmp.trans
_∙<_ = <-trans

[P:_zero:_suc:_] :  {p} (P :    p)  P zero  (∀ {n}  P n  P (suc n))   n  P n
[P: _ zero: z suc: _ ] zero    = z
[P: P zero: z suc: s ] (suc n) = s ([P: P zero: z suc: s ] n)

[zero:_suc:_] :  {a} {A :  a}  A  (  A  A)    A
[zero: z suc: s ] = [P: _ zero: z suc:  {n}  s n) ]

module ≤-Reasoning where
  open Preorder-Reasoning ℕ≤.preorder public renaming (_∼⟨_⟩_ to _≤⟨_⟩_)
  infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩_
  _≡⟨_⟩_ :  x {y z : }  x  y  y  z  x  z
  _ ≡⟨ idp  p = p
  infixr 2 _<⟨_⟩_
  _<⟨_⟩_ :  x {y z : }  x < y  y  z  x < z
  x <⟨ p  q = suc x ≤⟨ p  q

suc-injective :  {n m : }  ℕ.suc n  suc m  n  m
suc-injective = ap pred

+-≤-inj :  x {y z}  x + y  x + z  y  z
+-≤-inj zero    = id
+-≤-inj (suc x) = +-≤-inj x  ≤-pred

infixl 6 _+°_
infixl 7 _*°_ _⊓°_
infixl 6 _∸°_ _⊔°_

_+°_ :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  )  A  
(f  g) x = f x + g x

_∸°_ :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  )  A  
(f ∸° g) x = f x  g x

_*°_ :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  )  A  
(f  g) x = f x * g x

_⊔°_ :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  )  A  
(f ⊔° g) x = f x  g x

_⊓°_ :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  )  A  
(f ⊓° g) x = f x  g x

-- this one is not completly in line with the
-- others
_≤°_ :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  )   a
f ≤° g =  x  f x  g x

sucx≰x :  x  suc x  x
sucx≰x zero    = λ()
sucx≰x (suc x) = sucx≰x x  ≤-pred

total-≤ :  a b  a  b  b  a
total-≤ zero b = inj₁ z≤n
total-≤ (suc a) zero = inj₂ z≤n
total-≤ (suc a) (suc b) with total-≤ a b
... | inj₁ p = inj₁ (s≤s p)
... | inj₂ p = inj₂ (s≤s p)

a≡a⊓b+a∸b :  a b  a  a  b + (a  b)
a≡a⊓b+a∸b zero zero = idp
a≡a⊓b+a∸b zero (suc b) = idp
a≡a⊓b+a∸b (suc a) zero = idp
a≡a⊓b+a∸b (suc a) (suc b) rewrite ! a≡a⊓b+a∸b a b = idp

¬n≤x<n :  n {x}  n  x  x < n  𝟘
¬n≤x<n n p q = sucx≰x _ (q ∙≤ p)

¬n+≤y<n :  n {x y}  n + x  y  y < n  𝟘
¬n+≤y<n n p q = sucx≰x _ (q ∙≤ ℕ≤.reflexive (ℕ°.+-comm 0 n) ∙≤ ℕ≤.refl {n} +-mono z≤n ∙≤ p)

fold :  {a} {A :  a}  A  Endo A    A
fold x f n = nest n f x

+-inj-over-∸ :  x y z  (x + y)  (x + z)  y  z
+-inj-over-∸ = [i+j]∸[i+k]≡j∸k 

2*_ :   
2* x = x + x

2*-spec :  n  2* n  2 * n
2*-spec n rewrite ℕ°.+-comm n 0 = idp

_==_ : (x y : )  𝟚
zero   == zero   = 1₂
zero   == suc _  = 0₂
suc _  == zero   = 0₂
suc m  == suc n  = m == n

+-assoc-comm :  x y z  x + (y + z)  y + (x + z)
+-assoc-comm x y z = ! ℕ°.+-assoc x y z  ap (flip _+_ z) (ℕ°.+-comm x y)  ℕ°.+-assoc y x z

+-interchange : Interchange _≡_ _+_ _+_
+-interchange = InterchangeFromAssocCommCong.∙-interchange _≡_ ≡.isEquivalence
                                                           _+_ ℕ°.+-assoc ℕ°.+-comm  z  ap (flip _+_ z))

a+b≡a⊔b+a⊓b :  a b  a + b  a  b + a  b
a+b≡a⊔b+a⊓b zero    b       rewrite ℕ°.+-comm b 0 = idp
a+b≡a⊔b+a⊓b (suc a) zero    = idp
a+b≡a⊔b+a⊓b (suc a) (suc b) rewrite +-assoc-comm a 1 b
                                  | +-assoc-comm (a  b) 1 (a  b)
                                  | a+b≡a⊔b+a⊓b a b
                                  = idp

a⊓b≡a :  {a b}  a  b  a  b  a
a⊓b≡a z≤n = idp
a⊓b≡a (s≤s a≤b) rewrite a⊓b≡a a≤b = idp

⊔≤+ :  a b  a  b  a + b
⊔≤+ zero b          = ℕ≤.refl
⊔≤+ (suc a) zero    = s≤s (ℕ≤.reflexive (ℕ°.+-comm 0 a))
⊔≤+ (suc a) (suc b) = s≤s (⊔≤+ a b ∙≤ ≤-step ℕ≤.refl ∙≤ ℕ≤.reflexive (+-assoc-comm 1 a b))

2*′_ :   
2*′_ = fold 0 (suc ∘′ suc)

2*′-spec :  n  2*′ n  2* n
2*′-spec zero = idp
2*′-spec (suc n) rewrite 2*′-spec n | +-assoc-comm 1 n n = idp

2^⟨_⟩* :     
2^⟨ n ⟩* x = fold x 2*_ n

⟨2^_*_⟩ :     
⟨2^ n * x  = 2^⟨ n ⟩* x

2*-distrib :  x y  2* x + 2* y  2* (x + y) 
2*-distrib x y = +-interchange x x y y

2^*-distrib :  k x y  ⟨2^ k * (x + y)  ⟨2^ k * x  + ⟨2^ k * y 
2^*-distrib zero x y = idp
2^*-distrib (suc k) x y rewrite 2^*-distrib k x y = ! 2*-distrib ⟨2^ k * x  ⟨2^ k * y 

2^*-2*-comm :  k x  ⟨2^ k * 2* x   2* ⟨2^ k * x 
2^*-2*-comm k x = 2^*-distrib k x x

2*-mono :  {a b}  a  b  2* a  2* b
2*-mono pf = pf +-mono pf

2^*-mono :  k {a b}  a  b  ⟨2^ k * a   ⟨2^ k * b 
2^*-mono zero    pf = pf
2^*-mono (suc k) pf = 2*-mono (2^*-mono k pf)

2*-mono′ :  {a b}  2* a  2* b  a  b
2*-mono′ {zero} pf = z≤n
2*-mono′ {suc a} {zero} ()
2*-mono′ {suc a} {suc b} pf rewrite +-assoc-comm a 1 a
                                  | +-assoc-comm b 1 b = s≤s (2*-mono′ (≤-pred (≤-pred pf)))

2^*-mono′ :  k {a b}  ⟨2^ k * a   ⟨2^ k * b   a  b
2^*-mono′ zero    = id
2^*-mono′ (suc k) = 2^*-mono′ k  2*-mono′

2^-comm :  x y z  ⟨2^ x * ⟨2^ y * z    ⟨2^ y * ⟨2^ x * z  
2^-comm zero y z = idp
2^-comm (suc x) y z rewrite 2^-comm x y z = ! 2^*-2*-comm y ⟨2^ x * z 

2^-+ :  x y z  ⟨2^ x * ⟨2^ y * z    ⟨2^ (x + y) * z 
2^-+ zero    y z = idp
2^-+ (suc x) y z = ap 2*_ (2^-+ x y z)

2*′-inj :  {m n}  ⟦ℕ⟧ (2*′ m) (2*′ n)  ⟦ℕ⟧ m n
2*′-inj {zero}  {zero}  _ = zero
2*′-inj {zero}  {suc _} ()
2*′-inj {suc _} {zero}  ()
2*′-inj {suc m} {suc n} (suc (suc p)) = suc (2*′-inj p)

2*-inj :  {m n}  2* m  2* n  m  n
2*-inj {m} {n} p rewrite ! 2*′-spec m
                       | ! 2*′-spec n
                       = ⟦ℕ⟧⇒≡ (2*′-inj (⟦ℕ⟧ˢ.reflexive p))

2^-inj :  k {m n}  ⟨2^ k * m   ⟨2^ k * n   m  n
2^-inj zero    = id
2^-inj (suc k) = 2^-inj k  2*-inj

cancel-*-left :  i j {k}  suc k * i  suc k * j  i  j
cancel-*-left i j {k}
  rewrite ℕ°.*-comm (suc k) i
        | ℕ°.*-comm (suc k) j = cancel-*-right i j {k}

2ⁿ*0≡0 :  n  ⟨2^ n * 0   0
2ⁿ*0≡0 zero    = idp
2ⁿ*0≡0 (suc n) = ≡.cong₂ _+_ (2ⁿ*0≡0 n) (2ⁿ*0≡0 n)

0∸_≡0 :  x  0  x  0
0∸ zero  ≡0 = idp
0∸ suc x ≡0 = idp

2*-∸ :  x y  2* x  2* y  2* (x  y)
2*-∸ _       zero    = idp
2*-∸ zero    (suc _) = idp
2*-∸ (suc x) (suc y) rewrite ! 2*-∸ x y | ℕ°.+-comm x (1 + x) | ℕ°.+-comm y (1 + y) = idp

n+k∸m :  {m n} k  m  n  n + k  m  (n  m) + k
n+k∸m k z≤n = idp
n+k∸m k (s≤s m≤n) = n+k∸m k m≤n

factor-+-∸ :  {b x y}  x  b  y  b  (b  x) + (b  y)  2* b  (x + y)
factor-+-∸ {b} {zero} {y} z≤n y≤b rewrite ℕ°.+-comm b (b  y) = ! n+k∸m b y≤b
factor-+-∸ (s≤s {x} {b} x≤b) z≤n             rewrite ℕ°.+-comm x 0 = ! n+k∸m (suc b) x≤b
factor-+-∸ (s≤s {x} {b} x≤b) (s≤s {y} y≤b)   rewrite factor-+-∸ x≤b y≤b
                                              | ℕ°.+-comm b (suc b)
                                              | ℕ°.+-comm x (suc y)
                                              | n+k∸m (suc y) x≤b
                                              | ℕ°.+-comm x y = idp

_*′_ :     
0 *′ n = 0
1 *′ n = n
m *′ 0 = 0
m *′ 1 = m
m *′ n = m * n

*′-spec :  m n  m *′ n  m * n
*′-spec 0             n = idp
*′-spec 1             n = ℕ°.+-comm 0 n
*′-spec (suc (suc m)) 0 = ℕ°.*-comm 0 m
*′-spec (suc (suc m)) 1 = ap (suc ∘′ suc) (! proj₂ ℕ°.*-identity m)
*′-spec (suc (suc m)) (suc (suc n)) = idp

≤→≢1+ :  {x y}  x  y  x  suc y
≤→≢1+ z≤n     ()
≤→≢1+ (s≤s p) q = ≤→≢1+ p (suc-injective q)

<→≢ :  {x y}  x < y  x  y
<→≢ (s≤s p) = ≤→≢1+ p

∸-assoc-+ :  x y z  x  y  z  x  (y + z)
∸-assoc-+ x       zero    z       = idp
∸-assoc-+ zero    (suc y) zero    = idp
∸-assoc-+ zero    (suc y) (suc z) = idp
∸-assoc-+ (suc x) (suc y) z       = ∸-assoc-+ x y z

_∸-tone_ :  {x y t u}  x  y  t  u  t  y  u  x
_∸-tone_ {y = y} z≤n t≤u = n∸m≤n y _ ∙≤ t≤u
s≤s x≤y ∸-tone z≤n = z≤n
s≤s x≤y ∸-tone s≤s t≤u = x≤y ∸-tone t≤u

∸-mono' :  k {x y}  x  y  x  k  y  k
∸-mono' k = _∸-tone_ (ℕ≤.refl {k})

∸-anti :  k {x y}  x  y  k  y  k  x
∸-anti k x≤y = _∸-tone_ x≤y (ℕ≤.refl {k})

infix 8 _^_
_^_ :     
b ^ zero  = 1
b ^ suc n = b * b ^ n

2^_ :   
2^ n = ⟨2^ n * 1 

2^-spec :  n  2^ n  2 ^ n
2^-spec zero = idp
2^-spec (suc n) rewrite 2^-spec n | 2*-spec (2 ^ n) = idp

2^*-spec :  m n  2^⟨ m ⟩* n  2 ^ m * n
2^*-spec zero    n rewrite ℕ°.+-comm n 0 = idp
2^*-spec (suc m) n rewrite 2^*-spec m n
                         | ℕ°.*-assoc 2 (2 ^ m) n
                         | ℕ°.+-comm (2 ^ m * n) 0 = idp

1≤2^ :  n  2^ n  1
1+≤2^ :  n  2^ n  1 + n
1+≤2^ zero    = s≤s z≤n
1+≤2^ (suc n) = (1≤2^ n) +-mono (1+≤2^ n)

1≤2^ n  = s≤s z≤n ∙≤ 1+≤2^ n

≤-steps′ :  {x} y  x  x + y
≤-steps′ {x} y rewrite ℕ°.+-comm x y = ≤-steps y ℕ≤.refl

≤⇒∃ :  {m n}  m  n   λ k  m + k  n
≤⇒∃ z≤n      = _ , idp
≤⇒∃ (s≤s pf) = _ , ap suc (proj₂ (≤⇒∃ pf))

module GeneralisedArithmetic {a} {A : ★ a} (0# : A) (1+ : A → A) where

  1# : A
  1# = 1+ 0#

  open Data.Nat.GeneralisedArithmetic 0# 1+ public

  exp : (* : A → A → A) → (ℕ → A → A)
  exp _*_ n b = fold 1# (λ s → b * s) n
  -- hyperop a n b = fold exp

module == where
  _≈_ : (m n : )  ★₀
  m  n =  (m == n)

  subst :  {}  Substitutive _≈_ 
  subst _ {zero}  {zero}  _  = id
  subst P {suc _} {suc _} p  = subst (P  suc) p
  subst _ {zero}  {suc _} ()
  subst _ {suc _} {zero}  ()

  sound :  m n   (m == n)  m  n
  sound m n p = subst (_≡_ m) p idp

  refl : Reflexive _≈_
  refl {zero}  = _
  refl {suc n} = refl {n}

  sym : Symmetric _≈_
  sym {m} {n} eq rewrite sound m n eq = refl {n}

  trans : Transitive _≈_
  trans {m} {n} {o} m≈n n≈o rewrite sound m n m≈n | sound n o n≈o = refl {o}

  setoid : Setoid _ _
  setoid = record { Carrier = ; _≈_ = _≈_
                  ; isEquivalence =
                      record { refl = λ {x}  refl {x}
                             ; sym = λ {x} {y}  sym {x} {y}
                             ; trans = λ {x} {y} {z}  trans {x} {y} {z} } }

  open Setoid setoid public hiding (refl; sym; trans; _≈_)

data _`≤?`_↝_ : (m n : ℕ) → Dec (m ≤ n) → ★₀ where
  z≤?n     : ∀ {n} → zero `≤?` n ↝ yes z≤n
  s≤?z     : ∀ {m} → suc m `≤?` zero ↝ no λ()
  s≤?s-yes : ∀ {m n m≤n} → m `≤?` n ↝ yes m≤n → suc m `≤?` suc n ↝ yes (s≤s m≤n)
  s≤?s-no  : ∀ {m n m≰n} → m `≤?` n ↝ no m≰n → suc m `≤?` suc n ↝ no (m≰n ∘ ≤-pred)

`≤?`-complete : ∀ m n → m `≤?` n ↝ (m ≤? n)
`≤?`-complete zero n = z≤?n
`≤?`-complete (suc n) zero = {!s≤?z!}
`≤?`-complete (suc m) (suc n) with m ≤? n | `≤?`-complete m n
... | yes q | r = s≤?s-yes r
... | no q  | r = s≤?s-no {!!}

_<=_ : (x y : )  𝟚
zero   <= _      = 1₂
suc _  <= zero   = 0₂
suc m  <= suc n  = m <= n

module <= where
   :     ★₀
   x y =  (x <= y)

  sound :  m n   m n  m  n
  sound zero    _       _  = z≤n
  sound (suc m) (suc n) p  = s≤s (sound m n p)
  sound (suc m) zero    ()

  complete :  {m n}  m  n   m n
  complete z≤n       = _
  complete (s≤s m≤n) = complete m≤n

  isTotalOrder : IsTotalOrder _≡_ 
  isTotalOrder = record { isPartialOrder = isPartialOrder; total = λ x y  ⊎-map complete complete (ℕ≤.total x y) }
    reflexive :  {i j}  i  j   i j
    reflexive {i} idp = complete (ℕ≤.refl {i})
    trans : Transitive 
    trans {x} {y} {z} p q = complete (ℕ≤.trans (sound x y p) (sound y z q))
    isPreorder : IsPreorder _≡_ 
    isPreorder = record { isEquivalence = ≡.isEquivalence
                        ; reflexive = reflexive
                        ; trans = λ {x} {y} {z}  trans {x} {y} {z} }
    antisym : Antisymmetric _≡_ 
    antisym {x} {y} p q = ℕ≤.antisym (sound x y p) (sound y x q)
    isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≡_ 
    isPartialOrder = record { isPreorder = isPreorder; antisym = antisym }

  open IsTotalOrder isTotalOrder public

<=-steps′ :  {x} y   (x <= (x + y))
<=-steps′ {x} y = <=.complete (≤-steps′ {x} y)

sucx∸y≤suc⟨x∸y⟩ :  x y  suc x  y  suc (x  y)
sucx∸y≤suc⟨x∸y⟩ x zero = ℕ≤.refl
sucx∸y≤suc⟨x∸y⟩ zero (suc y) rewrite 0∸n≡0 y = z≤n
sucx∸y≤suc⟨x∸y⟩ (suc x) (suc y) = sucx∸y≤suc⟨x∸y⟩ x y

x≤2y′→x∸y≤y :  x y  x  2*′ y  x  y  y
x≤2y′→x∸y≤y x zero p = p
x≤2y′→x∸y≤y zero (suc y) p = z≤n
x≤2y′→x∸y≤y (suc zero) (suc y) (s≤s p) rewrite 0∸n≡0 y = z≤n
x≤2y′→x∸y≤y (suc (suc x)) (suc y) (s≤s (s≤s p))
  = sucx∸y≤suc⟨x∸y⟩ x y ∙≤ s≤s (x≤2y′→x∸y≤y x y p)

x<2y′→x∸y<y :  x y  x < 2*′ y  x  y < y
x<2y′→x∸y<y x zero p = p
x<2y′→x∸y<y zero (suc y) p = s≤s z≤n
x<2y′→x∸y<y (suc zero) (suc y) (s≤s (s≤s p)) rewrite 0∸n≡0 y = s≤s z≤n
x<2y′→x∸y<y (suc (suc x)) (suc y) (s≤s (s≤s p))
  = s≤s (sucx∸y≤suc⟨x∸y⟩ x y) ∙≤ s≤s (x<2y′→x∸y<y x y p)

x<2y→x∸y<y :  x y  x < 2* y  x  y < y
x<2y→x∸y<y x y p rewrite ! 2*′-spec y = x<2y′→x∸y<y x y p

≰→< :  x y  x  y  y < x
≰→< x y p with ℕcmp.compare (suc y) x
≰→< x y p | tri< a ¬b ¬c = s≤s (≤-step ℕ≤.refl) ∙≤ a
≰→< x y p | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c = ℕ≤.reflexive b
≰→< x y p | tri> ¬a ¬b c = 𝟘-elim (p (≤-pred c))

¬≤ :  {m n}  ¬(m < n)  n  m
¬≤ {m} {n} p with ℕcmp.compare m n
... | tri< m<n _ _   = 𝟘-elim (p m<n)
... | tri≈ _ eq _    = ℕ≤.reflexive (! eq)
... | tri> _ _ 1+n≤m = ≤-pred (≤-steps 1 1+n≤m)

not<=→< :  x y   (not (x <= y))   (suc y <= x)
not<=→< x y p = <=.complete (≰→< x y (✓-not-¬ p  <=.complete))

even? odd? :   𝟚
even? zero    = 1₂
even? (suc n) = odd? n 
odd? n = not (even? n)