{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module Data.Two where

open import Data.Bool public hiding (if_then_else_) renaming (Bool to 𝟚; false to 0₂; true to 1₂; T to)
open import Data.Bool.Properties
  using (isCommutativeSemiring-∨-∧
        ;module RingSolver
        ;module XorRingSolver
        (T-≡ to ✓-≡
        ;T-∧ to ✓-∧
        ;T-∨ to ✓-∨)

open import Type using (★_)

open import Algebra                    using (module CommutativeRing; module CommutativeSemiring)
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties using (Op₁; Op₂)

open import Data.Nat     using (; _≤_; z≤n; s≤s; _⊓_; _⊔_; _∸_)
open import Data.Zero    using (𝟘-elim)
open import Data.One     using (𝟙)
open import Data.Product using (proj₁; proj₂; uncurry; _×_; _,_)
open import Data.Sum     using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

open import Function.Equivalence using (module Equivalence)
open import Function.Equality    using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.NP          using (id; _∘_; _⟨_⟩°_)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.NP using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; idp; _∙_; !_)
open import Relation.Nullary                         using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)

open Equivalence using (to; from)

module Xor° = CommutativeRing     commutativeRing-xor-∧
module 𝟚°   = CommutativeSemiring commutativeSemiring-∧-∨

module _ {p} {P : 𝟚   p} where

    [0:_1:_] : P 0₂  P 1₂  (b : 𝟚)  P b
    [0: e₀ 1: e₁ ] 0₂ = e₀
    [0: e₀ 1: e₁ ] 1₂ = e₁

    tabulate₂ : ((b : 𝟚)  P b)  P 0₂ × P 1₂
    tabulate₂ f = f 0₂ , f 1₂

    η-[0:1:] :  (f : (b : 𝟚)  P b) b  [0: f 0₂ 1: f 1₂ ] b  f b
    η-[0:1:] f 0₂ = refl
    η-[0:1:] f 1₂ = refl

    proj : P 0₂ × P 1₂  (b : 𝟚)  P b
    proj = uncurry [0:_1:_]

    proj-tabulate₂ :  (f : (b : 𝟚)  P b) b  proj (tabulate₂ f) b  f b
    proj-tabulate₂ = η-[0:1:]

module _ {a} {A :  a} where

    [0:_1:_]′ : A  A  𝟚  A
    [0:_1:_]′ = [0:_1:_]

    case_0:_1:_ : 𝟚  A  A  A
    case b 0: e₀ 1: e₁ = [0: e₀
                          1: e₁ ] b

    proj′ : A × A  𝟚  A
    proj′ = proj

    proj[_] : 𝟚  A × A  A
    proj[_] = [0: proj₁ 1: proj₂ ]

    mux : 𝟚 × (A × A)  A
    mux (s , eᵢ) = proj eᵢ s

nor : (b₀ b₁ : 𝟚)  𝟚
nor b₀ b₁ = not (b₀  b₁)

nand : (b₀ b₁ : 𝟚)  𝟚
nand b₀ b₁ = not (b₀  b₁)

-- For properties about _==_ see Data.Two.Equality
_==_ : (b₀ b₁ : 𝟚)  𝟚
b₀ == b₁ = (not b₀) xor b₁

≡→✓ :  {b}  b  1₂   b
≡→✓ refl = _

≡→✓not :  {b}  b  0₂   (not b)
≡→✓not refl = _

✓→≡ :  {b}   b  b  1₂
✓→≡ {1₂} _ = refl
✓→≡ {0₂} ()

✓not→≡ :  {b}   (not b)  b  0₂
✓not→≡ {0₂} _ = refl
✓not→≡ {1₂} ()

✓∧ :  {b₁ b₂}   b₁   b₂   (b₁  b₂)
✓∧ p q = _⟨$⟩_ (from ✓-∧) (p , q)

✓∧₁ :  {b₁ b₂}   (b₁  b₂)   b₁
✓∧₁ = proj₁  _⟨$⟩_ (to ✓-∧)

✓∧₂ :  {b₁ b₂}   (b₁  b₂)   b₂
✓∧₂ {b₁} = proj₂  _⟨$⟩_ (to (✓-∧ {b₁}))

✓∨-⊎ :  {b₁ b₂}   (b₁  b₂)   b₁   b₂
✓∨-⊎ {b₁} = _⟨$⟩_ (to (✓-∨ {b₁}))

✓∨₁ :  {b₁ b₂}   b₁   (b₁  b₂)
✓∨₁ = _⟨$⟩_ (from ✓-∨)  inj₁

✓∨₂ :  {b₁ b₂}   b₂   (b₁  b₂)
✓∨₂ {b₁} = _⟨$⟩_ (from (✓-∨ {b₁}))  inj₂

✓-not-¬ :  {b}   (not b)  ¬ ( b)
✓-not-¬ {0₂} _ = λ()
✓-not-¬ {1₂} ()

✓-¬-not :  {b}  ¬ ( b)   (not b)
✓-¬-not {0₂} _ = _
✓-¬-not {1₂} f = f _

∧⇒∨ :  x y   (x  y)   (x  y)
∧⇒∨ 0₂ _ = λ ()
∧⇒∨ 1₂ _ = _

✓dec :  b  Dec ( b)
✓dec = [0: no (λ())
        1: yes _ ]

de-morgan :  x y  not (x  y)  not x  not y
de-morgan 0₂ _ = refl
de-morgan 1₂ _ = refl

≢0→≡1 :  {x}  x  0₂  x  1₂
≢0→≡1 {1₂} p = refl
≢0→≡1 {0₂} p = 𝟘-elim (p refl)

≢1→≡0 :  {x}  x  1₂  x  0₂
≢1→≡0 {0₂} p = refl
≢1→≡0 {1₂} p = 𝟘-elim (p refl)

-- 0₂ is 0 and 1₂ is 1
𝟚▹ℕ : 𝟚  
𝟚▹ℕ = [0: 0
       1: 1 ]

𝟚▹ℕ≤1 :  b  𝟚▹ℕ b  1
𝟚▹ℕ≤1 = [0: z≤n
         1: s≤s z≤n ]

𝟚▹ℕ-⊓ :  a b  𝟚▹ℕ a  𝟚▹ℕ b  𝟚▹ℕ (a  b)
𝟚▹ℕ-⊓ 1₂ 0₂ = refl
𝟚▹ℕ-⊓ 1₂ 1₂ = refl
𝟚▹ℕ-⊓ 0₂ _  = refl

𝟚▹ℕ-⊔ :  a b  𝟚▹ℕ a  𝟚▹ℕ b  𝟚▹ℕ (a  b)
𝟚▹ℕ-⊔ 1₂ 0₂ = refl
𝟚▹ℕ-⊔ 1₂ 1₂ = refl
𝟚▹ℕ-⊔ 0₂ _  = refl

𝟚▹ℕ-∸ :  a b  𝟚▹ℕ a  𝟚▹ℕ b  𝟚▹ℕ (a  not b)
𝟚▹ℕ-∸ 0₂ 0₂ = refl
𝟚▹ℕ-∸ 0₂ 1₂ = refl
𝟚▹ℕ-∸ 1₂ 0₂ = refl
𝟚▹ℕ-∸ 1₂ 1₂ = refl

xor-not-not :  x y  (not x) xor (not y)  x xor y
xor-not-not 0₂ y = not-involutive y
xor-not-not 1₂ _ = refl

not-inj :  {x y}  not x  not y  x  y
not-inj {0₂} {0₂} _ = refl
not-inj {1₂} {1₂} _ = refl
not-inj {0₂} {1₂} ()
not-inj {1₂} {0₂} ()

xor-inj₁ :  x {y z}  (x xor y)  (x xor z)  y  z
xor-inj₁ 0₂ = id
xor-inj₁ 1₂ = not-inj

xor-inj₂ :  x {y z}  (y xor x)  (z xor x)  y  z
xor-inj₂ x {y} {z} p = xor-inj₁ x (Xor°.+-comm x y  p  Xor°.+-comm z x)

check :  b  {pf :  b}  𝟙
check = _

module Indexed {a} {A :  a} where
    _∧°_ : Op₂ (A  𝟚)
    x ∧° y = x  _∧_ ⟩° y

    _∨°_ : Op₂ (A  𝟚)
    x ∨° y = x  _∨_ ⟩° y

    _xor°_ : Op₂ (A  𝟚)
    x xor° y = x  _xor_ ⟩° y

    _==°_ : Op₂ (A  𝟚)
    x ==° y = x  _==_ ⟩° y

    not° : Op₁ (A  𝟚)
    not° f = not  f
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}