{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

  The main definitions of this module are:

    * explore⊎
    * explore⊎-ind
    * adequate-sum⊎

open import Type hiding ()
open import Function.NP
open import Data.Nat using (_+_)
open import Level.NP
import Function.Inverse.NP as FI
import Function.Related as FR
open FI using (_↔_; inverses; module Inverse) renaming (_$₁_ to to; _$₂_ to from)
open import Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms.NP
open import Data.Product.NP
open import Data.Sum
-- open import Data.Bit
open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
open import Relation.Binary.Sum
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.NP as 
open  using (_≡_ ; module ≡-Reasoning; cong)

open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Properties
open import Explore.Explorable hiding (first)

module Explore.Sum where

module _ {a b u} {A :  a} {B :  b} {U :  u}
         (_∙_ : U  U  U)
         (e₁  : (A  U)  U)
         (e₂  : (B  U)  U)
         (f   : (A  B)  U)
      -- find a better place/name for it
      ⊎ᶜ : U
      ⊎ᶜ = e₁ (f  inj₁)  e₂ (f  inj₂)

module _ {m A B} where
    explore⊎ : Explore m A  Explore m B  Explore m (A  B)
    explore⊎ exploreᴬ exploreᴮ ε _∙_ = ⊎ᶜ _∙_ (exploreᴬ ε _∙_) (exploreᴮ ε _∙_)

    module _ {p} {eᴬ : Explore m A} {eᴮ : Explore m B} where
        explore⊎-ind : ExploreInd p eᴬ  ExploreInd p eᴮ  ExploreInd p (explore⊎ eᴬ eᴮ)
        explore⊎-ind Psᴬ Psᴮ P  P∙ Pf
        -- TODO clean this up:
          = P∙ (Psᴬ  s  P  _ _ f  s _ _ (f  inj₁)))  P∙ (Pf  inj₁))
               (Psᴮ  s  P  _ _ f  s _ _ (f  inj₂)))  P∙ (Pf  inj₂))

module _ {A B}{eᴬ : Explore  A}{eᴮ : Explore  B} where
   explore⊎-adq : AdequateExplore eᴬ  AdequateExplore eᴮ  AdequateExplore (explore⊎ eᴬ eᴮ)
   explore⊎-adq aᴬ aᴮ F ε _⊕_ f F-proof
      = F (big⊕ᴬ (f  inj₁)  big⊕ᴮ (f  inj₂))
      ↔⟨ F-proof  
        (F (big⊕ᴬ (f  inj₁))  F (big⊕ᴮ (f  inj₂)))
      ↔⟨ aᴬ F ε _⊕_ (f  inj₁) F-proof ⊎-cong aᴮ F ε _⊕_ (f  inj₂) F-proof 
        (Σ A (F  f  inj₁)  Σ B (F  f  inj₂))
      ↔⟨ FI.sym Σ⊎-distrib 
        Σ (A  B) (F  f)
     where open FR.EquationalReasoning
           big⊕ᴬ = eᴬ ε _⊕_
           big⊕ᴮ = eᴮ ε _⊕_

infixr 4 _⊎ᵉ_ _⊎ⁱ_ _⊎ˢ_
_⊎ᵉ_ = explore⊎
_⊎ⁱ_ = explore⊎-ind

_⊎ˢ_ :  {A B}  Sum A  Sum B  Sum (A  B)
_⊎ˢ_ = ⊎ᶜ _+_

module _ {A B} {sumᴬ : Sum A} {sumᴮ : Sum B} where

    adequate-sum⊎ : AdequateSum sumᴬ  AdequateSum sumᴮ  AdequateSum (sumᴬ ⊎ˢ sumᴮ)
    adequate-sum⊎ asumᴬ asumᴮ f    = (Fin (sumᴬ (f  inj₁) + sumᴮ (f  inj₂)))
                                   ↔⟨ FI.sym (Fin-⊎-+ _ _) 
                                     (Fin (sumᴬ (f  inj₁))  Fin (sumᴮ (f  inj₂)))
                                   ↔⟨ asumᴬ (f  inj₁) ⊎-cong asumᴮ (f  inj₂) 
                                     (Σ A (Fin  f  inj₁)  Σ B (Fin  f  inj₂))
                                   ↔⟨ FI.sym Σ⊎-distrib 
                                     Σ (A  B) (Fin  f)
      where open FR.EquationalReasoning

    _⊎ᵃ_ = adequate-sum⊎

module _ {} {A B} {eᴬ : Explore ( ) A} {eᴮ : Explore ( ) B} where
  sᴬ⁺ᴮ = eᴬ ⊎ᵉ eᴮ
  focus⊎ : Focus eᴬ  Focus eᴮ  Focus sᴬ⁺ᴮ
  focus⊎ fᴬ fᴮ (inj₁ x , y) = inj₁ (fᴬ (x , y))
  focus⊎ fᴬ fᴮ (inj₂ x , y) = inj₂ (fᴮ (x , y))

  unfocus⊎ : Unfocus eᴬ  Unfocus eᴮ  Unfocus sᴬ⁺ᴮ
  unfocus⊎ fᴬ fᴮ (inj₁ x) = first inj₁ (fᴬ x)
  unfocus⊎ fᴬ fᴮ (inj₂ y) = first inj₂ (fᴮ y)

  _⊎-focused_ : Focused eᴬ → Focused eᴮ → Focused {L.zero} sᴬ⁺ᴮ
  _⊎-focused_ fᴬ fᴮ {B} = inverses (to fᴬ ⊎-focus to fᴮ) (from fᴬ ⊎-unfocus from fᴮ) (⇒) (⇐)
        ⇒ : (x : Σ (A ⊎ {!!}) {!!}) → _
        ⇒ (x , y) = {!!}
        ⇐ : (x : eᴬ _⊎_ (B ∘ inj₁) ⊎ eᴮ _⊎_ (B ∘ inj₂)) → _
        ⇐ (inj₁ x) = cong inj₁ {!!}
        ⇐ (inj₂ x) = cong inj₂ {!!}

  lookup⊎ : Lookup eᴬ  Lookup eᴮ  Lookup (eᴬ ⊎ᵉ eᴮ)
  lookup⊎ lookupᴬ lookupᴮ (x , y) = [ lookupᴬ x , lookupᴮ y ]

  reify⊎ : Reify eᴬ  Reify eᴮ  Reify (eᴬ ⊎ᵉ eᴮ)
  reify⊎ reifyᴬ reifyᴮ f = (reifyᴬ (f  inj₁)) , (reifyᴮ (f  inj₂))

_⊎-μ_ :  {A B}  Explorable A  Explorable B  Explorable (A  B)
μA ⊎-μ μB = mk _ (explore-ind μA ⊎ⁱ explore-ind μB)
                 (adequate-sum⊎ (adequate-sum μA) (adequate-sum μB))

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