{-# OPTIONS --without-K --copatterns #-}

open import Type
open import Data.Bit
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat.NP hiding (_==_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Product
open import Control.Strategy renaming (run to runStrategy; map to mapStrategy)

open import Function

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Properties
open import Explore.Explorable renaming (module Explorable₀ to Exp
                                        ; module FromExplore₀ to FE)
open import Explore.Product
open Operators

import Game.IND-CCA2-dagger
import Game.IND-CCA2
import Game.IND-CCA
import Game.IND-CPA-utils

module Game.Transformation.CCA2-CCA2d
  (PubKey    : )
  (SecKey    : )
  (Message   : )
  (CipherText : )

  -- randomness supply for, encryption, key-generation, adversary, adversary state
  (Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ : )
  (KeyGen : Rₖ  PubKey × SecKey)
  (Enc    : PubKey  Message  Rₑ  CipherText)
  (Dec    : SecKey  CipherText  Message)

Rₐ† = Bit × Rₑ × Rₐ

module CCA2d = Game.IND-CCA2-dagger PubKey SecKey Message CipherText
    Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ KeyGen Enc Dec 
module CCA2 = Game.IND-CCA2  PubKey SecKey Message CipherText
    Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ† KeyGen Enc Dec
open Game.IND-CPA-utils Message CipherText
open CPAAdversary

CPA-transform : PubKey  Bit  Rₑ
               CPAAdversary (CipherText  DecRound Bit)
               CPAAdversary (DecRound Bit)
get-m (CPA-transform pk t rₑ A)   = get-m A
put-c (CPA-transform pk t rₑ A) c = put-c A c (Enc pk (proj (get-m A) t) rₑ)

--ERROR: panic unbound variable A:
--put-c (CPA-transform pk t rₑ A) c = {!A!}

A-transform : CCA2d.Adversary  CCA2.Adversary
A-transform adv (t , rₑ , rₐ) pk = mapStrategy (CPA-transform pk t rₑ) (adv rₐ pk)


This is not enough for the proof, we are missing:

  * explain why we equate the randomness of the adversary with not b
  * explain why we share the randomness rₑ' with the adversary

Informal proof:

  * the randomness t is either t ≡ b in which case we don't care and get
    advantage ≡ ε'
    or it is t ≡ not b, and we have advantage ≡ ε as shown below.
    Total advantage ≡ (ε' + ε) / 2

  * In the "real" proof we will have two different rₑ', one for the adversary
    and one for the game. The interesting thing is that

    Σ (A × A) (λ (x , _) → f x) ≈ Σ (A × A) (λ (_ , x) → f x)

    or more general we can swap a used randomness with an unused one.
    In this case, LHS doesn't use the randomness of the adversary, so we can
    swap the randomness for the second encryption with the adversaries one.

correct :  {rₑ rₑ' rₖ rₐ} b adv
         CCA2d.EXP b adv               (rₐ , rₖ , rₑ , rₑ')
         CCA2.EXP  b (A-transform adv) ((not b , rₑ' , rₐ) , rₖ , rₑ)
correct {rₑ}{rₑ' = ra}{rₖ = r}{rₐ} 1b adv with KeyGen r
... | pk , sk = cong  x  runStrategy (Dec sk) (put-c x (Enc pk (proj₂ (get-m x)) rₑ)))
                     (sym (run-map (Dec sk) (CPA-transform pk 0b ra) (adv rₐ pk)))
correct {rₑ}{rₑ' = ra}{rₖ = r}{rₐ} 0b adv with KeyGen r
... | pk , sk = cong  x  runStrategy (Dec sk) (put-c x (Enc pk (proj₁ (get-m x)) rₑ)))
                     (sym (run-map (Dec sk) (CPA-transform pk 1b ra) (adv rₐ pk)))

module Theorem
  (μₑ : Explore₀ Rₑ)
  (μₖ : Explore₀ Rₖ)
  (μₐ : Explore₀ Rₐ)
  (μₑⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μₑ)
  (μₖⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μₖ)
  (μₐⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μₐ)

  open import Explore.Two
  --open import Rat
  module CCA2dA = CCA2d.Advantage μₑ μₖ μₐ
  module CCA2A  =  CCA2.Advantage μₑ μₖ (𝟚ᵉ ×ᵉ μₑ ×ᵉ μₐ)

  R' : Set
  R' = Rₑ × Rₑ × Rₑ × Rₖ × Rₐ

  R2 : Set
  R2 = Bit × R'
  μR' : Explore₀ R'
  μR' = μₑ ×ᵉ μₑ ×ᵉ μₑ ×ᵉ μₖ ×ᵉ μₐ

  μR'ⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μR'
  μR'ⁱ = μₑⁱ ×ⁱ μₑⁱ ×ⁱ μₑⁱ ×ⁱ μₖⁱ ×ⁱ μₐⁱ
  μR2 : Explore₀ R2
  μR2 = 𝟚ᵉ ×ᵉ μR'

  module μR' = Exp μR'ⁱ
  module μR2 = FE μR2
  # :  {Y : Set}  Bit  (Bit  Y  R2  Bit)  Y  
  # b F adv = μR2.count (F b adv)

  lift-CCA2 : Bit  CCA2.Adversary  R2  Bit
  lift-CCA2 b adv (rt , re , _ , rea , rk , ra) = 
     CCA2.EXP b adv ((rt , rea , ra) , (rk , re)) == b
  lift-CCA2d : Bit  CCA2d.Adversary  R2  Bit
  lift-CCA2d b adv (_ , re , re' , _ , rk , ra) = CCA2d.EXP b adv (ra , rk , re , re') == b
  dbl-thm :  {n}  n + n  2 * n
  dbl-thm {n} rewrite ℕ°.+-comm n 0 = refl
  lemma :  b A+  # b lift-CCA2d A+  2 * # b lift-CCA2 (A-transform A+)
  lemma b A+ = μR2.sum  { (_ , re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
                            CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re'))   })
             ≡⟨ dbl-thm {μR'.sum _}  2 *
               (μR'.sum  { (re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
                            CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re'))   }))
             ≤⟨ s≤s (s≤s (z≤n {0})) *-mono lem  2 *
                μR2.sum  { (t , re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
                             CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re) })
      open ≤-Reasoning
      ⟦_⟧ : Bit  
       x  = Bit▹ℕ (x == b)

      lem1 :  (f : Rₑ  )  FE.sum μₑ  x  FE.sum μₑ  y  f x))
                  FE.sum μₑ  x  FE.sum μₑ  y  f y))
      lem1 f = Exp.sum-swap' μₑⁱ {_} {FE.sum μₑ} (Exp.sum-zero μₑⁱ) (Exp.sum-hom μₑⁱ)  x y  f x)
      lem4 :  b (f : Bit  R'  )  μR'.sum (f b) + μR'.sum (f (not b))  μR2.sum  { (t , r)  f t r})
      lem4 1b f = ℕ°.+-comm (μR'.sum (f 1b)) (μR'.sum (f 0b))
      lem4 0b f = refl

      lem : μR'.sum  { (re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
                         CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re'))   })
           μR2.sum  { (t , re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
                         CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re) })
      lem = (μR'.sum  { (re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
                            CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re'))   }))
             ≡⟨ Exp.sum-ext μₑⁱ  re   lem1  re'  _))  
               (μR'.sum  { (re , _ , re' , rk , ra)
                            CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re'))   }))
             ≡⟨ μR'.sum-ext  _  cong ⟦_⟧ (correct b A+) )
                μR'.sum  { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
                             CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((not b , rea , ra) , rk , re) })
             ≤⟨ n≤m+n (μR'.sum  { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
                       CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((b , rea , ra) , rk , re) })) _  (
                μR'.sum  { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
                             CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((b , rea , ra) , rk , re) })
             +  μR'.sum  { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
                             CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((not b , rea , ra) , rk , re) }))
             ≡⟨ lem4 b  { t (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)   CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re)  }) 
                μR2.sum  { (t , re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
                             CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re) })


Need to show that they are valid aswell:
This is easy, the adversary we are constructing have only a subset
of the restrictions that the original adversary have


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