{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
-- The Agda standard library
-- Operations on and properties of decidable relations

module Relation.Nullary.Decidable where

open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_; module Π)
open import Function.Equivalence
  using (_⇔_; equivalence; module Equivalence)
open import Function.Injection using (Injection; module Injection)
open import Level using (Lift)
open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid; module Setoid; Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary

⌊_⌋ :  {p} {P : Set p}  Dec P  Bool
 yes _  = true
 no  _  = false

True :  {p} {P : Set p}  Dec P  Set
True Q = T  Q 

False :  {p} {P : Set p}  Dec P  Set
False Q = T (not  Q )

-- Gives a witness to the "truth".

toWitness :  {p} {P : Set p} {Q : Dec P}  True Q  P
toWitness {Q = yes p} _  = p
toWitness {Q = no  _} ()

-- Establishes a "truth", given a witness.

fromWitness :  {p} {P : Set p} {Q : Dec P}  P  True Q
fromWitness {Q = yes p} = const _
fromWitness {Q = no ¬p} = ¬p

-- Variants for False.

toWitnessFalse :  {p} {P : Set p} {Q : Dec P}  False Q  ¬ P
toWitnessFalse {Q = yes _}  ()
toWitnessFalse {Q = no  ¬p} _  = ¬p

fromWitnessFalse :  {p} {P : Set p} {Q : Dec P}  ¬ P  False Q
fromWitnessFalse {Q = yes p} = flip _$_ p
fromWitnessFalse {Q = no ¬p} = const _

map :  {p q} {P : Set p} {Q : Set q}  P  Q  Dec P  Dec Q
map P⇔Q (yes p) = yes (Equivalence.to P⇔Q ⟨$⟩ p)
map P⇔Q (no ¬p) = no (¬p  _⟨$⟩_ (Equivalence.from P⇔Q))

map′ :  {p q} {P : Set p} {Q : Set q} 
       (P  Q)  (Q  P)  Dec P  Dec Q
map′ P→Q Q→P = map (equivalence P→Q Q→P)

module _ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A : Setoid a₁ a₂} {B : Setoid b₁ b₂} where

  open Injection
  open Setoid A using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈A_)
  open Setoid B using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈B_)

  -- If there is an injection from one setoid to another, and the
  -- latter's equivalence relation is decidable, then the former's
  -- equivalence relation is also decidable.

  via-injection : Injection A B  Decidable _≈B_  Decidable _≈A_
  via-injection inj dec x y with dec (to inj ⟨$⟩ x) (to inj ⟨$⟩ y)
  ... | yes injx≈injy = yes (Injection.injective inj injx≈injy)
  ... | no  injx≉injy = no  x≈y  injx≉injy (Π.cong (to inj) x≈y))

-- If a decision procedure returns "yes", then we can extract the
-- proof using from-yes.

From-yes :  {p} {P : Set p}  Dec P  Set p
From-yes {P = P} (yes _) = P
From-yes         (no  _) = Lift 

from-yes :  {p} {P : Set p} (p : Dec P)  From-yes p
from-yes (yes p) = p
from-yes (no  _) = _

-- If a decision procedure returns "no", then we can extract the proof
-- using from-no.

From-no :  {p} {P : Set p}  Dec P  Set p
From-no {P = P} (no  _) = ¬ P
From-no         (yes _) = Lift 

from-no :  {p} {P : Set p} (p : Dec P)  From-no p
from-no (no ¬p) = ¬p
from-no (yes _) = _