{-# OPTIONS --copatterns #-}
-- Compression can be used an an Oracle to defeat encryption.
-- Here we show how compressing before encrypting lead to a
-- NOT semantically secure construction (IND-CPA).
module Attack.Compression where

open import Type using ()
open import Function
open import Data.Nat.NP
open import Data.Two renaming (_==_ to _==ᵇ_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Zero
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.NP

import Game.IND-CPA

record Sized (A : ) :  where
    size  : A  

open Sized {{...}}

module _ {A B} {{_ : Sized A}} {{_ : Sized B}} where
    -- Same size
    _==ˢ_ : A  B  𝟚
    x ==ˢ y = size x == size y

    -- Same size
    _≡ˢ_ : A  B  
    x ≡ˢ y = size x  size y

    ≡ˢ→==ˢ :  {x y}  x ≡ˢ y  (x ==ˢ y)  1₂
    ≡ˢ→==ˢ {x} {y} x≡ˢy rewrite x≡ˢy = ✓→≡ (==.refl {size y})

    ==ˢ→≡ˢ :  {x y}  (x ==ˢ y)  1₂  x ≡ˢ y
    ==ˢ→≡ˢ p = ==.sound _ _ (≡→✓ p)

module _ {PubKey Message CipherText Rₑ : }
         (Enc  : PubKey  Message  Rₑ  CipherText)
         {{_ : Sized Message}}
         {{_ : Sized CipherText}}
    -- Encryption size is independant of the randomness
    EncSizeRndInd =
       {pk m r₀ r₁}  Enc pk m r₀ ≡ˢ Enc pk m r₁

    -- Encrypted ciphertexts of the same size, will lead to messages of the same size
    EncLeakSize =
       {pk m₀ m₁ r₀ r₁}  Enc pk m₀ r₀ ≡ˢ Enc pk m₁ r₁  m₀ ≡ˢ m₁

module M
  {Message CompressedMessage : }
  {{_ : Sized CompressedMessage}}

  (compress : Message  CompressedMessage)

  -- 2 messages which have different size after compression
  (m₀ m₁ : Message)
     : size (compress m₀)  size (compress m₁))

  (PubKey     : )
  (SecKey     : )
  (CipherText : )
  {{_ : Sized CipherText}}
  (Rₑ Rₖ Rₓ : )
  (KeyGen : Rₖ  PubKey × SecKey)
  (Enc₀ : PubKey  CompressedMessage  Rₑ  CipherText)
  (Enc₀SizeRndInd : EncSizeRndInd Enc₀)
  (Enc₀LeakSize : EncLeakSize Enc₀)

  -- Our adversary runs one encryption
  Rₐ = Rₑ

  Enc₁ : PubKey  Message  Rₑ  CipherText
  Enc₁ pk m rₑ = Enc₀ pk (compress m) rₑ

  module IND-CPA = Game.IND-CPA PubKey SecKey Message CipherText
                                Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ Rₓ KeyGen Enc₁
  open IND-CPA.Adversary

  A : IND-CPA.Adversary
  m  A = λ _ _  [0: m₀ 1: m₁ ]
  b′ A = λ rₑ pk c  c ==ˢ Enc₁ pk m₁ rₑ

  -- The adversary A is always winning.
  A-always-wins :  b r  IND-CPA.EXP b A r  b
  A-always-wins 0₂ _ = ≢1→≡0 (different-compression  Enc₀LeakSize  ==ˢ→≡ˢ)
  A-always-wins 1₂ _ = ≡ˢ→==ˢ Enc₀SizeRndInd

  lem :  x y  (x ==ᵇ y)  0₂  not (x ==ᵇ y)  1₂
  lem 1₂ 1₂ = λ ()
  lem 1₂ 0₂ = λ _  refl
  lem 0₂ 1₂ = λ _  refl
  lem 0₂ 0₂ = λ ()

  A-always-wins' : ∀ r → IND-CPA.game A r ≡ 1₂
  A-always-wins' (0₂ , r) = {!lem (not (IND-CPA.EXP 0₂ {!A!} r)) (IND-CPA.EXP 1₂ A r) (A-always-wins 0₂ r)!}
  A-always-wins' (1₂ , r) = A-always-wins 1₂ r