{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import Type
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; #_)
import Function.Inverse.NP as Inv
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open Inv using (_↔_)

open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Properties
open import Explore.Explorable
open import Explore.Universe

module Explore.Dice where

data Dice : ★₀ where
        : Dice

module ByHand where
    exploreDice :  {m}  Explore m Dice
    exploreDice ε _∙_ f = f   (f   (f   (f   (f   f ))))

    exploreDice-ind :  {m p}  ExploreInd p (exploreDice {m})
    exploreDice-ind P ε _∙_ f = f   (f   (f   (f   (f   f ))))

    open Explorable₀  exploreDice-ind public using () renaming (sum     to sumDice; product to productDice)
    open Explorable₁₀ exploreDice-ind public using () renaming (reify   to reifyDice)
    open Explorable₁₁ exploreDice-ind public using () renaming (unfocus to unfocusDice)

Dice↔Fin6 : Dice  Fin 6
Dice↔Fin6 = Inv.inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐
  module Dice↔Fin6 where
    S = Dice
    T = Fin 6
     : S  T
      = # 0
      = # 1
      = # 2
      = # 3
      = # 4
      = # 5
     : T  S
     zero = 
     (suc zero) = 
     (suc (suc zero)) = 
     (suc (suc (suc zero))) = 
     (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))) = 
     (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero))))) = 
     (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc ()))))))
    ⇐⇒ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇐⇒  = refl
    ⇐⇒  = refl
    ⇐⇒  = refl
    ⇐⇒  = refl
    ⇐⇒  = refl
    ⇐⇒  = refl
    ⇒⇐ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇒⇐ zero = refl
    ⇒⇐ (suc zero) = refl
    ⇒⇐ (suc (suc zero)) = refl
    ⇒⇐ (suc (suc (suc zero))) = refl
    ⇒⇐ (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))) = refl
    ⇒⇐ (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero))))) = refl
    ⇒⇐ (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc ()))))))

-- By using FinU' instead of FinU one get a special case for Fin 1 thus avoiding
-- a final ε in the exploration function.
open Explore.Universe.Isomorphism (FinU' 6) (Inv.sym Dice↔Fin6 Inv.∘ FinU'↔Fin 6)
  renaming ( isoᵉ to Diceᵉ
           ; isoⁱ to Diceⁱ
           ; isoˡ to Diceˡ
           ; isoᶠ to Diceᶠ
           ; isoˢ to Diceˢ
           ; isoᵖ to Diceᵖ
           ; isoʳ to Diceʳ
           ; isoᵘ to Diceᵘ
           ; isoˢ-ok to Diceˢ-ok
           ; isoˢ-stableUnder to Diceˢ-stableUnder
           ; μiso to μDice

module _ {m} where
  open ByHand
  _≡ᵉ_ : (e₀ e₁ : Explore m Dice)  ★_ _
  _≡ᵉ_ = _≡_

  same-as-by-hand : exploreDice ≡ᵉ Diceᵉ
  same-as-by-hand = refl