{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
-- The core properties behind exploration functions
module Explore.Properties where

open import Level.NP
open import Type hiding ()
open import Function.NP using (id; _∘′_; _∘_; flip; const; Π; Cmp)
open import Function.Inverse using (_↔_)
open import Algebra
import Algebra.FunctionProperties.NP as FP
open FP using (Op₂)
open import Data.Nat.NP using (_+_; _*_; _≤_; _+°_)
open import Data.Indexed
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Sum  using (_⊎_)
open import Data.Zero using (𝟘)
open import Data.One  using (𝟙)
open import Data.Fin  using (Fin)
open import Relation.Binary.NP
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 
open  using (_≡_; _≗_)

open import Explore.Core

module SgrpExtra {c } (sg : Semigroup c ) where
  open Semigroup sg
  open Setoid-Reasoning (Semigroup.setoid sg) public
  C :  _
  C = Carrier
  _š_ :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  C)   _
  f š g =  x  f x  g x
  _∙°_   :  {a} {A :  a} (f g : A  C)  A  C
  (f ∙° g) x = f x  g x
  infixl 7 _-∙-_
  _-∙-_ : _∙_ Preserves₂ _≈_  _≈_  _≈_
  _-∙-_ = ∙-cong

module Sgrp {c } (sg : Semigroup c ) where
  open Semigroup sg public
  open SgrpExtra sg public

module RawMon {c} {C :  c} (rawMon : C × Op₂ C) where
  ε    = proj₁ rawMon
  _∙_  = proj₂ rawMon

module Mon {c } (m : Monoid c ) where
  open Monoid m public
  sg = semigroup
  open SgrpExtra semigroup public
  RawMon = C × Op₂ C
  rawMon : RawMon
  rawMon = ε , _∙_

module CMon {c } (cm : CommutativeMonoid c ) where
  open CommutativeMonoid cm public
  sg = semigroup
  m = monoid
  open SgrpExtra sg public
  open FP _≈_

  ∙-interchange : Interchange _∙_ _∙_
  ∙-interchange = InterchangeFromAssocCommCong.∙-interchange
                    _∙_ assoc comm  _  flip ∙-cong refl)

ExploreInd :  p { A}  Explore  A   _
ExploreInd p {} {A} exp =
   (P  : Explore  A   p)
    ( : P empty-explore)
    (P∙ :  {e₀ e₁ : Explore  A}  P e₀  P e₁  P (merge-explore e₀ e₁))
    (Pf :  x  P (point-explore x))
   P exp

module _ { p A} where
    point-explore-ind : (x : A)  ExploreInd p (point-explore {} x)
    point-explore-ind x _ _ _ Pf = Pf x

    empty-explore-ind : ExploreInd p {} {A} empty-explore
    empty-explore-ind _  _ _ = 

    merge-explore-ind :  {e₀ e₁ : Explore  A}
                         ExploreInd p e₀  ExploreInd p e₁
                         ExploreInd p (merge-explore e₀ e₁)
    merge-explore-ind Pe₀ Pe₁ P  _P∙_ Pf = (Pe₀ P  _P∙_ Pf) P∙ (Pe₁ P  _P∙_ Pf)

record ExploreIndKit p { A} (P : Explore  A   p) :  (   p) where
  constructor mk
     : P empty-explore
    P∙ :  {e₀ e₁ : Explore  A}  P e₀  P e₁  P (merge-explore e₀ e₁)
    Pf :  x  P (point-explore x)

_$kit_ :  {p  A} {P : Explore  A   p} {e : Explore  A}
          ExploreInd p e  ExploreIndKit p P  P e
_$kit_ {P = P} ind (mk  P∙ Pf) = ind P  P∙ Pf

ExploreInd₀ :  { A}  Explore  A   _
ExploreInd₀ = ExploreInd 

ExploreInd₁ :  { A}  Explore  A   _
ExploreInd₁ = ExploreInd 

BigOpMonInd :  p {c } {A} (M : Monoid c )  BigOpMon M A   _
BigOpMonInd p {c} {} {A} M exp =
   (P  : BigOpMon M A   p)
    ( : P (const ε))
    (P∙ :  {e₀ e₁ : BigOpMon M A}  P e₀  P e₁  P  f  e₀ f  e₁ f))
    (Pf :  x  P  f  f x))
    (P≈ :  {e e'}  e ≈° e'  P e  P e')
   P exp
  where open Mon M

AdequateExplore :  {A}  Explore  A  ★₁
AdequateExplore {A} expᴬ =  {U : ★₀}(F : U  ★₀) ε _⊕_ f
   (∀ {x y}  F (x  y)  (F x  F y))  F (expᴬ ε _⊕_ f)  Σ A (F  f)

AdequateSum :  {A}  Sum A  ★₀
AdequateSum {A} sumᴬ =  f  Fin (sumᴬ f)  Σ A (Fin  f)

AdequateProduct :  {A}  Product A  ★₀
AdequateProduct {A} productᴬ =  f  Fin (productᴬ f)  Π A (Fin  f)

_,-kit_ :  {m p A} {P : Explore m A   p}{Q : Explore m A   p}
           ExploreIndKit p P  ExploreIndKit p Q  ExploreIndKit p (P ×° Q)
Pk ,-kit Qk = mk ( Pk ,  Qk)
                  x y  P∙ Pk (proj₁ x) (proj₁ y) , P∙ Qk (proj₂ x) (proj₂ y))
                  x  Pf Pk x , Pf Qk x)
             where open ExploreIndKit

module Extra where
    ExploreInd-Extra :  p {m A}  Explore m A   _
    ExploreInd-Extra p {m} {A} exp =
       (Q     : Explore m A   p)
        (Q-kit : ExploreIndKit p Q)
        (P     : Explore m A   p)
        (    : P empty-explore)
        (P∙    :  {e₀ e₁ : Explore m A}  Q e₀  Q e₁  P e₀  P e₁
                  P (merge-explore e₀ e₁))
        (Pf    :  x  P (point-explore x))
       P exp

    to-extra :  {p m A} {e : Explore m A}  ExploreInd p e  ExploreInd-Extra p e
    to-extra e-ind Q Q-kit P  P∙ Pf =
     proj₂ (e-ind (Q ×° P)
             ( , )
              { (a , b) (c , d)  Q∙ a c , P∙ a c b d })
              x  Qf x , Pf x))
     where open ExploreIndKit Q-kit renaming (to; P∙ to Q∙; Pf to Qf)

StableUnder :  { A}  Explore  A  (A  A)   _
StableUnder explore p =  {M} ε op (f : _  M)  explore ε op f  explore ε op (f  p)

SumStableUnder :  {A}  Sum A  (A  A)   _
SumStableUnder sum p =  f  sum f  sum (f  p)

CountStableUnder :  {A}  Count A  (A  A)   _
CountStableUnder count p =  f  count f  count (f  p)

-- TODO: remove the hard-wired ≡
Injective :  {a b}{A :  a}{B :  b}(f : A  B)   _
Injective f =  {x y}  f x  f y  x  y

SumStableUnderInjection :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumStableUnderInjection sum =  p  Injective p  SumStableUnder sum p

SumInd :  {A}  Sum A  ★₁
SumInd {A} sum =  (P  : Sum A  ★₀)
                   (P0 : P  f  0))
                   (P+ :  {s₀ s₁ : Sum A}  P s₀  P s₁  P  f  s₀ f + s₁ f))
                   (Pf :  x  P  f  f x))
                  P sum

ExploreMono :  r { A}  Explore  A   _
ExploreMono r eᴬ =  {C} (_⊆_ : C  C   r)
                     {z₀ z₁} (z₀⊆z₁ : z₀  z₁)
                     {_∙_} (∙-mono : _∙_ Preserves₂ _⊆_  _⊆_  _⊆_)
                     {f g} 
                     (∀ x  f x  g x)  eᴬ z₀ _∙_ f  eᴬ z₁ _∙_ g

ExploreExtFun :  {A B}  Explore _ (A  B)  ★₁
ExploreExtFun {A}{B} eᴬᴮ =  {M} ε op {f g : (A  B)  M}  (∀ {φ ψ}  φ  ψ  f φ  g ψ)  eᴬᴮ ε op f  eᴬᴮ ε op g

ExploreMonExt :  r { A}  Explore  A   _
ExploreMonExt r {} exploreᴬ =
   (m : Monoid  r) {f g}
   let open Mon m
        explore = exploreᴬ ε _∙_
    f š g  explore f  explore g

ExploreSgExt : ∀ r {ℓ A} → ExploreNE ℓ A → ★ _
ExploreSgExt r {ℓ} eᴬ = ∀ (sg : Semigroup ℓ r) {f g}
                       → let open Sgrp sg in
                         f ≈° g → eᴬ _∙_ f ≈ eᴬ _∙_ g

ExploreExt :  { A}  Explore  A   _
ExploreExt {} {A} eᴬ =  {M} ε op {f g : A  M}  f  g  eᴬ ε op f  eᴬ ε op g

SumExt :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumExt sumᴬ =  {f g}  f  g  sumᴬ f  sumᴬ g

CountExt :  {A}  Count A   _
CountExt countᴬ =  {f g}  f  g  countᴬ f  countᴬ g

Exploreε :   r {A}  Explore _ A   _
Exploreε  r eᴬ =  (m : Monoid  r) 
                       let open Mon m in
                       eᴬ ε _∙_ (const ε)  ε

SumZero :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumZero sumᴬ = sumᴬ  _  0)  0

ExploreLinˡ :   r {A}  Explore _ A   _
ExploreLinˡ  r eᴬ =  m _◎_ f k 
                     let open Mon {} {r} m
                         open FP _≈_ in
                     k  ε  ε 
                     _◎_ DistributesOverˡ _∙_ 
                     eᴬ ε _∙_  x  k  f x)  k  eᴬ ε _∙_ f

ExploreLinʳ :   r {A}  Explore _ A   _
ExploreLinʳ  r eᴬ =
   m _◎_ f k 
    let open Mon {} {r} m
        open FP _≈_ in
    ε  k  ε 
    _◎_ DistributesOverʳ _∙_ 
    eᴬ ε _∙_  x  f x  k)  eᴬ ε _∙_ f  k

SumLin :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumLin sumᴬ =  f k  sumᴬ  x  k * f x)  k * sumᴬ f

ExploreSgHom : ∀ r {ℓ A} → ExploreNE ℓ A → ★ _
ExploreSgHom r eᴬ = ∀ sg f g → let open Sgrp {_} {r} sg in
                            eᴬ _∙_ (f ∙° g) ≈ eᴬ _∙_ f ∙ eᴬ _∙_ g

ExploreHom :   r {A}  Explore _ A   _
ExploreHom  r eᴬ =
   cm f g 
    let open CMon {} {r} cm in
    eᴬ ε _∙_ (f ∙° g)  eᴬ ε _∙_ f  eᴬ ε _∙_ g

SumHom :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumHom sumᴬ =  f g  sumᴬ  x  f x + g x)  sumᴬ f + sumᴬ g

SumMono :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumMono sumᴬ =  {f g}  (∀ x  f x  g x)  sumᴬ f  sumᴬ g

SumConst :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumConst sumᴬ =  x  sumᴬ (const x)  sumᴬ (const 1) * x

ExploreSwap :  r { A}  Explore  A   _
ExploreSwap r {} {A} eᴬ =  {B : ★₀} mon 
                             let open Mon {_} {r} mon in
                            {eᴮ : (B  C)  C}
                             (eᴮ-ε : eᴮ (const ε)  ε)
                             (hom :  f g  eᴮ (f ∙° g)  eᴮ f  eᴮ g)
                            eᴬ ε _∙_ (eᴮ  f)  eᴮ (eᴬ ε _∙_  flip f)

SumSwap :  {A}  Sum A   _
SumSwap {A} sᴬ =  {B : ★₀}
                   {sᴮ : Sum B}
                   (sᴮ-0 : sᴮ (const 0)  0)
                   (hom :  f g  sᴮ (f  g)  sᴮ f + sᴮ g)
                  sᴬ (sᴮ  f)  sᴮ (sᴬ  flip f)

Unique :  {A}  Cmp A  Count A   _
Unique cmp count =  x  count (cmp x)  1

module _ { A} (eᴬ : Explore ( ) A) where
    DataΠ : (A   )   
    DataΠ = eᴬ (Lift 𝟙) _×_

    ΣPoint : (A   )   
    ΣPoint = eᴬ (Lift 𝟘) _⊎_

module _ { A} (eᴬ : Explore ( ) A) where
    Lookup :  ( )
    Lookup =  {P : A   }  DataΠ eᴬ P  Π A P

    Reify :  ( )
    Reify =  {P : A   }  Π A P  DataΠ eᴬ P

    Reified :  ( )
    Reified =  {P : A   }  Π A P  DataΠ eᴬ P

    Unfocus :  ( )
    Unfocus =  {P : A   }  ΣPoint eᴬ P  Σ A P

    Focus :  ( )
    Focus =  {P : A   }  Σ A P  ΣPoint eᴬ P

    Focused :  ( )
    Focused =  {P : A   }  Σ A P  ΣPoint eᴬ P