{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module FunUniverse.Core where

open import Type
open import Data.Nat.NP using (; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; 2^_)
import Data.Bool.NP as B
open import Data.Unit using ()
open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
open import Function using (_∘′_; flip)
import Data.Vec.NP as V
import Level as L
open V using (Vec; []; _∷_)

open import Data.Two  using (𝟚; 0₂; 1₂; [0:_1:_])
open import Data.Bits using (Bits; _→ᵇ_; RewireTbl; 0ⁿ; 1ⁿ)

import FunUniverse.BinTree as Tree
open Tree using (Tree)
open import FunUniverse.Data

open import FunUniverse.Types public
import FunUniverse.Defaults.FirstPart as Defaults⟨first-part⟩
open import FunUniverse.Rewiring.Linear

record HasBijFork {t} {T : Set t} (funU : FunUniverse T) : Set t where
  constructor mk
  open FunUniverse funU
    -- bijFork f₀ f₁ (0₂ , x) = 0₂ , f₀ x
    -- bijFork f₀ f₁ (1₂ , x) = 1₂ , f₁ x
    bijFork :  {A B} (f g : A `→ B)  `Bit  A `→ `Bit  B

  -- bijFork′ f₀ f₁ (0₂ , x) = 0₂ , f₀ 0₂ x
  -- bijFork′ f₀ f₁ (1₂ , x) = 1₂ , f₁ 1₂ x
  bijFork′ :  {A B}  (𝟚  A `→ B)  `Bit  A `→ `Bit  B
  bijFork′ f = bijFork (f 0₂) (f 1₂)

record HasFork {t} {T : Set t} (funU : FunUniverse T) : Set t where
  constructor _,_
  open FunUniverse funU
    -- cond (0₂ , x₀ , x₁) = x₀
    -- cond (1₂ , x₀ , x₁) = x₁
    -- See Defaults.DefaultCond
    cond :  {A}  `Bit  A  A `→ A

    -- fork f₀ f₁ (0₂ , x) = f₀ x
    -- fork f₀ f₁ (1₂ , x) = f₁ x
    -- See Defaults.DefaultFork
    fork :  {A B} (f g : A `→ B)  `Bit  A `→ B

  fork′ :  {A B}  (𝟚  A `→ B)  `Bit  A `→ B
  fork′ f = fork (f 0₂) (f 1₂)

record HasXor {t} {T : Set t} (funU : FunUniverse T) : Set t where
  constructor mk
  open FunUniverse funU
    xor :  {n}  Bits n  `Endo (`Bits n)

  vnot :  {n}  `Endo (`Bits n)
  vnot = xor 1ⁿ

  ⟨⊕_⟩ :  {n}  Bits n  `Endo (`Bits n)
  ⟨⊕ xs  = xor xs

record Bijective {t} {T : Set t} (funU : FunUniverse T) : Set t where
  constructor mk

    linRewiring : LinRewiring funU
    hasBijFork  : HasBijFork  funU
    hasXor      : HasXor      funU

record Rewiring {t} {T : Set t} (funU : FunUniverse T) : Set t where
  constructor mk
  open FunUniverse funU

    linRewiring : LinRewiring funU

    -- Unit (ignoring its argument)
    tt :  {_⊤}  _⊤ `→ `𝟙

    -- Products (all that comes from LinRewiring)
    dup :  {A}  A `→ A  A

    -- Vectors
    <[]> :  {_⊤ A}  _⊤ `→ `Vec A 0
    -- * <∷> and uncons come from LinRewiring

    -- Products (group 1 primitive functions or derived from group 2)
    <_,_> :  {A B C}  (A `→ B)  (A `→ C)  A `→ B  C
    fst   :  {A B}  A  B `→ A
    snd   :  {A B}  A  B `→ B

    rewire    :  {i o}  (Fin o  Fin i)  i `→ᵇ o
    rewireTbl :  {i o}  RewireTbl i o     i `→ᵇ o

  open LinRewiring linRewiring public

  proj :  {A}  𝟚  (A  A) `→ A
  proj = [0: fst 1: snd ]

  head :  {n A}  `Vec A (1 + n) `→ A
  head = uncons  fst

  tail :  {n A}  `Vec A (1 + n) `→ `Vec A n
  tail = uncons  snd

  constVec :  {n a _⊤} {A : Set a} {B}  (A  `𝟙→ B)  Vec A n  _⊤ `→ `Vec B n
  constVec f vec = tt  constVec⊤ f vec

  take :  m {n A}  `Vec A (m + n) `→ `Vec A m
  take zero    = <[]>
  take (suc m) = < id  take m >

  drop :  m {n A}  `Vec A (m + n) `→ `Vec A n
  drop zero    = id
  drop (suc m) = tail  drop m

  msb :  m {n}  (m + n) `→ᵇ m
  msb m = take m

  lsb :  {n} k  (n + k) `→ᵇ k
  lsb {n} _ = drop n

  init :  {n A}  `Vec A (1 + n) `→ `Vec A n
  init {zero}  = <[]>
  init {suc n} = < id  init >

  last :  {n A}  `Vec A (1 + n) `→ A
  last {zero}  = head
  last {suc n} = tail  last

  replicate :  {n A}  A `→ `Vec A n
  replicate {zero}  = <[]>
  replicate {suc n} = < id , replicate >  <∷>

  constBits′ :  {n A}  Bits n  (A  A) `→ `Vec A n
  constBits′ []       = <[]>
  constBits′ (b  xs) = dup  < proj b ∷′ constBits′ xs >

record FunOps {t} {T : Set t} (funU : FunUniverse T) : Set t where
  constructor mk
  open FunUniverse funU

    rewiring : Rewiring funU
    hasFork  : HasFork  funU

    -- Bit
    <0₂> <1₂> :  {_⊤}  _⊤ `→ `Bit

    -- Products
    -- * <_×_>; first; second; swap; assoc; <tt,id>; snd<tt,> come from LinRewiring
    -- * dup; <_,_>; fst; snd come from Rewiring

    -- Vectors
    -- <[]>; <∷>; uncons come from Rewiring

  open Defaults⟨first-part⟩ funU
  open Rewiring rewiring public
  open HasFork  hasFork  public

  -- Bad idea™
  <if_then_else_> :  {A B} (b : A `→ `Bit) (f g : A `→ B)  A `→ B
  <if b then if-1 else if-0 > = < b , id >  fork if-0 if-1

  not : `Bit `→ `Bit
  not = <id,tt>  fork <1₂> <0₂>

  -- We might want it to be part of the interface
  hasXor : HasXor funU
  hasXor = mk (DefaultXor.xor id not <_⊛>)

  hasBijFork : HasBijFork funU
  hasBijFork = mk (DefaultBijForkFromFork.bijFork <_,_> fst fork)

  bijective : Bijective funU
  bijective = mk linRewiring hasBijFork hasXor

  open HasXor     hasXor public
  open HasBijFork hasBijFork public

  infixr 3 _&&&_
  _&&&_ :  {A B C}  (A `→ B)  (A `→ C)  A `→ B  C
  f &&& g = < f , g >

  constBit :  {_⊤}  𝟚  _⊤ `→ `Bit
  constBit = [0: <0₂> 1: <1₂> ]

  -- Notice that this one costs 1 unit of space.
  dup⁏<_∷′_> :  {n A B}  (A `→ B)  (A `→ `Vec B n)
                          A `→ `Vec B (1 + n)
  dup⁏< f ∷′ g > = dup  < f ∷′ g >

  <0,_> :  {A B}  (A `→ B)  A `→ `Bit  B
  <0, f > = <tt⁏ <0₂> , f >

  <1,_> :  {A B}  (A `→ B)  A `→ `Bit  B
  <1, f > = <tt⁏ <1₂> , f >

  <0,> :  {A}  A `→ `Bit  A
  <0,> = <0, id >

  <1,> :  {A}  A `→ `Bit  A
  <1,> = <1, id >

  <0,1> :  {_⊤}  _⊤ `→ `Bit  `Bit
  <0,1> = <0, <1₂> >

  <0∷_> :  {n A}  (A `→ `Bits n)  A `→ `Bits (1 + n)
  <0∷ f > = <tt⁏ <0₂> ∷′ f >

  <1∷_> :  {n A}  (A `→ `Bits n)  A `→ `Bits (1 + n)
  <1∷ f > = <tt⁏ <1₂> ∷′ f >

  <0∷> :  {n}  n `→ᵇ (1 + n)
  <0∷> = <0∷ id >

  <1∷> :  {n}  n `→ᵇ (1 + n)
  <1∷> = <1∷ id >

  constBits :  {n _⊤}  Bits n  _⊤ `→ `Bits n
  constBits = constVec constBit

  <0ⁿ> :  {n _⊤}  _⊤ `→ `Bits n
  <0ⁿ> = constBits 0ⁿ

  <1ⁿ> :  {n _⊤}  _⊤ `→ `Bits n
  <1ⁿ> = constBits 1ⁿ

  constBits′′ :  {n _⊤}  Bits n  _⊤ `→ `Bits n
  constBits′′ bs = <0,1>  constBits′ bs

  `Maybe : T  T
  `Maybe A = `Bit  A

  <nothing> :  {A}  A `→ `Maybe A
  <nothing> = <0,>

  <just> :  {A}  A `→ `Maybe A
  <just> = <1,>

  <is-just?_∶_> :  {A B C}  (f : A  B `→ C) (g : B `→ C)  `Maybe A  B `→ C
  <is-just? f  g > = <if fst  fst then first snd  f else snd  g >

  _∣?_ :  {A}  `Maybe A  `Maybe A `→ `Maybe A
  _∣?_ = <is-just? fst  <just>  id >

  _`→?_ : T  T  Set
  A `→? B = A `→ `Maybe B

  search :  {n A}  (A  A `→ A)  (`Bits n `→ A)  `𝟙→ A
  search {zero}  _  f = <[]>  f
  search {suc n} op f = <tt⁏ search op (f  <0∷>) , search op (f  <1∷>) >  op

  find? :  {n A}  (`Bits n `→? A)  `𝟙 `→? A
  find? = search _∣?_

  findB :  {n}  (`Bits n `→ `Bit)  `𝟙 `→? `Bits n
  findB pred = find? <if pred then <just> else <nothing> >

  fromTree :  {n A}  Tree (`𝟙 `→ A) n  `Bits n `→ A
  fromTree (Tree.leaf x) = tt  x
  fromTree (Tree.fork t₀ t₁) = uncons  fork (fromTree t₀) (fromTree t₁)

  fromFun :  {n A}  (Bits n  `𝟙→ A)  `Bits n `→ A
  fromFun = fromTree ∘′ Tree.fromFun

  fromBitsFun :  {i o}  (i →ᵇ o)  i `→ᵇ o
  fromBitsFun f = fromFun (constBits ∘′ f)

  <xor> : `Bit  `Bit `→ `Bit
  <xor> = fork id not

  <or> : `Bit  `Bit `→ `Bit
  <or> = fork id <1₂>

  <and> : `Bit  `Bit `→ `Bit
  <and> = fork <0₂> id

  <==ᵇ> : `Bit  `Bit `→ `Bit
  <==ᵇ> = <xor>  not

  <==> :  {n}  `Bits n  `Bits n `→ `Bit
  <==> {zero}  = <1₂>
  <==> {suc n} = < uncons × uncons >  < <==ᵇ> `zip` <==> {n} >  <or>

  <⊕> :  {n}  `Bits n  `Bits n `→ `Bits n
  <⊕> = zipWith <xor>

  -- vnot : ∀ {n} → `Endo (`Bits n)
  -- vnot = map not

  allBits :  n  `𝟙→ `Vec (`Bits n) (2^ n)
  allBits zero    = < <[]> ∷[]>
  allBits (suc n) = < bs  map <0∷> ++ bs  map <1∷> >
    where bs = allBits n

  sucBCarry :  {n}  `Bits n `→ `Bits (1 + n)
  sucBCarry {zero}  = < <0₂> ∷[]>
  sucBCarry {suc n} = uncons
                     fork <0∷ sucBCarry >
                          (sucBCarry  uncons  fork <0∷ <1∷> > <1∷ <0∷> >)

  sucB :  {n}  `Bits n `→ `Bits n
  sucB = sucBCarry  tail

  half-adder : `Bit  `Bit `→ `Bit  `Bit
  half-adder = < <xor> , <and> >

  -- full-adder (Cᵢₙ , A , B) = (Cₒᵤₜ , S)
  full-adder : `Bit  `Bit  `Bit `→ `Bit  `Bit
  full-adder = < cout , s >
    where a    = snd  fst
          b    = snd  snd
          cin  = fst
          s    = second <xor>  <xor>
          cout = <   < a , b >  <and>
                 , < < a , b >  <xor> , cin >  <and> >
                <or> -- this one can also be a <xor>

  full-adder = < (sc₂ ⁏ fst) , < (sc₁ ⁏ snd) , (sc₂ ⁏ snd) > ⁏ <or> >
    where a   = snd ⁏ fst
          b   = snd ⁏ snd
          cᵢₙ = fst
          sc₁ = < a , b > ⁏ half-adder
          sc₂ = < (sc₁ ⁏ fst) , cᵢₙ > ⁏ half-adder

  lookupTbl :  {n A}  `Bits n  `Vec A (2^ n) `→ A
  lookupTbl {zero} = snd  head
  lookupTbl {suc n}
    = first uncons
     fork (second (take (2^ n))  lookupTbl)
           (second (drop (2^ n))  lookupTbl)

  funFromTbl :  {n A}  Vec (`𝟙→ A) (2^ n)  (`Bits n `→ A)
  funFromTbl {zero} (x  []) = tt  x
  funFromTbl {suc n} tbl
    = uncons  fork (funFromTbl (V.take (2^ n) tbl))
                    (funFromTbl (V.drop (2^ n) tbl))

  tblFromFun :  {n A}  (`Bits n `→ A)  `𝟙→ `Vec A (2^ n)
  tblFromFun {zero}  f = < <[]>  f ∷[]>
  tblFromFun {suc n} f = < tblFromFun (<0∷>  f) ++
                           tblFromFun (<1∷>  f) >

  module WithFin
    (`Fin :   T)
    (fz :  {n _⊤}  _⊤ `→ `Fin (suc n))
    (fs :  {n}  `Fin n `→ `Fin (suc n))
    (elim-Fin0 :  {A}  `Fin 0 `→ A)
    (elim-Fin1+ :  {n A B}  (A `→ B)  (`Fin n  A `→ B)  `Fin (suc n)  A `→ B) where

    tabulate :  {n A _B}  (`Fin n `→ A)  _B `→ `Vec A n
    tabulate {zero}  f = <[]>
    tabulate {suc n} f = <tt⁏ fz  f ∷′ tabulate (fs  f) >

    lookup :  {n A}  `Fin n  `Vec A n `→ A
    lookup {zero}  = fst  elim-Fin0
    lookup {suc n} = elim-Fin1+ head (second tail  lookup)

    allFin :  {n _⊤}  _⊤ `→ `Vec (`Fin n) n
    allFin = tabulate id

module Defaults {t} {T : Set t} (funU : FunUniverse T) where
  open FunUniverse funU
  open Defaults⟨first-part⟩ funU public

  module RewiringDefaults
    (linRewiring : LinRewiring funU)
    (tt       :  {_⊤}  _⊤ `→𝟙)
    (dup      :  {A}  A `→ A  A)
    (rewire   :  {i o}  (Fin o  Fin i)  i `→ᵇ o) where

    open LinRewiring linRewiring
    open DefaultsGroup1 _∘_ tt snd<tt,> dup swap first public
    <[]> :  {_⊤ A}  _⊤ `→ `Vec A 0
    <[]> = tt  tt→[]
    open DefaultRewireTbl rewire public
-- -}