open import Type
open import Data.Bit
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product

open import Data.Nat.NP
--open import Rat

open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Explorable
open import Explore.Product
open Operators
open import Control.Strategy renaming (run to runStrategy)
import Game.IND-CPA-utils

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

module Game.IND-CCA2-dagger
  (PubKey    : )
  (SecKey    : )
  (Message   : )
  (CipherText : )

  -- randomness supply for, encryption, key-generation, adversary, adversary state
  (Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ : )
  (KeyGen : Rₖ  PubKey × SecKey)
  (Enc    : PubKey  Message  Rₑ  CipherText)
  (Dec    : SecKey  CipherText  Message)


open Game.IND-CPA-utils Message CipherText
open CPAAdversary

Adversary : 
Adversary = Rₐ  PubKey 
                   DecRound              -- first round of decryption queries
                     (CPAAdversary       -- choosen plaintext attack
                       (CipherText      -- in which a second ciphertext is provided
                          DecRound Bit)) -- second round of decryption queries

Valid-Adv : Adv → Set
Valid-Adv (m , d) = ∀ {rₐ rₓ pk c c'} → Valid (λ x → x ≢ c × x ≢ c') (d rₐ rₓ pk c c')

R : 
R = Rₐ × Rₖ × Rₑ × Rₑ

Experiment : 
Experiment = Adversary  R  Bit

EXP : Bit  Experiment
EXP b A (rₐ , rₖ , rₑ₀ , rₑ₁) with KeyGen rₖ
... | pk , sk = b′ where
  decRound = runStrategy (Dec sk)
  cpaA     = decRound (A rₐ pk)
  mb       = proj (get-m cpaA)
  c₀       = Enc pk (mb b)       rₑ₀
  c₁       = Enc pk (mb (not b)) rₑ₁
  b′       = decRound (put-c cpaA c₀ c₁)

module Advantage
  (μₑ : Explore₀ Rₑ)
  (μₖ : Explore₀ Rₖ)
  (μₐ : Explore₀ Rₐ)
  μR : Explore₀ R
  μR = μₐ ×ᵉ μₖ ×ᵉ μₑ ×ᵉ μₑ
  module μR = FromExplore₀ μR
  run : Bit  Adversary  
  run b adv = μR.count (EXP b adv)
  Advantage : Adv → ℚ
  Advantage adv = dist (run 0b adv) (run 1b adv) / μR.Card