{-# OPTIONS --without-K --copatterns #-}
open import Type
open import Function
open import Data.Bit
open import Data.Two.Equality
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Nat.NP hiding (_==_)
open import Data.Nat.Distance
open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Explorable
open import Explore.Product
open Operators
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.NP
open import Control.Strategy renaming (run to runStrategy)
import Game.IND-CPA-utils
import Game.IND-CCA
module Game.IND-CCA2
(PubKey : ★)
(SecKey : ★)
(Message : ★)
(CipherText : ★)
(Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ : ★)
(KeyGen : Rₖ → PubKey × SecKey)
(Enc : PubKey → Message → Rₑ → CipherText)
(Dec : SecKey → CipherText → Message)
module CCA = Game.IND-CCA PubKey SecKey Message CipherText Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ KeyGen Enc Dec
open Game.IND-CPA-utils Message CipherText public
open CPAAdversary
Adversary : ★
Adversary = Rₐ → PubKey →
(DecRound Bit))
R : ★
R = Rₐ × Rₖ × Rₑ
EXP : Bit → Adversary → R → Bit
EXP b m (rₐ , rₖ , rₑ) with KeyGen rₖ
... | pk , sk = b′ where
decRound = runStrategy (Dec sk)
round1 = decRound (m rₐ pk)
mb = proj (get-m round1) b
c = Enc pk mb rₑ
round2 = put-c round1 c
b′ = decRound round2
game : Adversary → (Bit × R) → Bit
game A (b , r) = b == EXP b A r
module Cheating
(m : Bit → Message)
(m⁻¹ : Message → Bit)
cheatingA : Adversary
cheatingA rₐ pk = done CPApart
where CPApart : CPAAdversary _
get-m CPApart = tabulate₂ m
put-c CPApart c = ask c (done ∘ m⁻¹)
module _
(DecEnc : ∀ rₖ rₑ m → let (pk , sk) = KeyGen rₖ in
Dec sk (Enc pk m rₑ) ≡ m)
(m⁻¹-m : ∀ x → m⁻¹ (m x) ≡ x)
cheatingA-always-wins : ∀ r → game cheatingA r ≡ 1b
cheatingA-always-wins (b , rₐ , rₖ , rₑ) =
ap (_==_ b ∘ m⁻¹) (DecEnc rₖ rₑ (proj (tabulate₂ m) b) ∙ proj-tabulate₂ m b) ∙ ==-≡1₂.reflexive (!(m⁻¹-m b))
module Advantage
(μₑ : Explore₀ Rₑ)
(μₖ : Explore₀ Rₖ)
(μₐ : Explore₀ Rₐ)
μR : Explore₀ R
μR = μₐ ×ᵉ μₖ ×ᵉ μₑ
module μR = FromExplore₀ μR
run : Bit → Adversary → ℕ
run b adv = μR.count (EXP b adv)
Advantage : Adversary → ℕ
Advantage adv = dist (run 0b adv) (run 1b adv)