module circuits.circuit where
open import Type
open import Function
open import Data.Nat.NP hiding (_≟_; compare)
open import Data.Bit renaming (_==_ to _==ᵇ_)
open import Data.Bits hiding (rewire; rewireTbl; map)
open import Data.Bits.Bits2
open import Data.Bool hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Product hiding (swap; map)
import Data.Fin.NP as Fin
open Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; inject+; raise; #_)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
import Data.Vec.NP as Vec
open Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_; foldr; _[_]≔_; lookup; _++_; splitAt; tabulate; allFin; concat; ++-decomp;
renaming (map to vmap)
import Data.Vec.Properties as VecProps
open VecProps using (tabulate∘lookup)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable hiding (map)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Composition.Horizontal
open import Composition.Vertical
open import Composition.Forkable
CircuitType : ★₁
CircuitType = (i o : ℕ) → ★
RunCircuit : CircuitType → ★
RunCircuit C = ∀ {i o} → C i o → i →ᵇ o
RewireFun : CircuitType
RewireFun i o = Fin o → Fin i
record RewiringBuilder (C : CircuitType) : ★₁ where
constructor mk
isHComposable : HComposable C
isVComposable : VComposable _+_ C
open HComposable isHComposable
open VComposable isVComposable
rewire : ∀ {i o} → RewireFun i o → C i o
rewireWithTbl : ∀ {i o} → RewireTbl i o → C i o
rewireWithTbl = rewire ∘ flip lookup
idCDefault : ∀ {i} → C i i
idCDefault = rewire id
idC : ∀ {i} → C i i
_=[_]=_ : ∀ {i o} → Bits i → C i o → Bits o → ★
rewire-spec : ∀ {i o} (r : RewireFun i o) is → is =[ rewire r ]= Vec.rewire r is
idC-spec : ∀ {i} (bs : Bits i) → bs =[ idC ]= bs
idCDefault-spec : ∀ {i} (bs : Bits i) → bs =[ idCDefault ]= bs
idCDefault-spec bs
= subst (λ bs' → bs =[ idCDefault ]= bs') (tabulate∘lookup bs) (rewire-spec id bs)
sink : ∀ i → C i 0
sink _ = rewire (λ())
dup₁ : ∀ o → C 1 o
dup₁ _ = rewire (const zero)
dup₁² : C 1 2
dup₁² = dup₁ 2
vcat : ∀ {i o n} → Vec (C i o) n → C (n * i) (n * o)
vcat [] = idC
vcat (x ∷ xs) = x *** vcat xs
coerce : ∀ {i o} → i ≡ o → C i o
coerce refl = idC
dupⁿ : ∀ {i} k → C i (k * i)
dupⁿ {i} k = rewireWithTbl (concat (replicate {n = k} (allFin i)))
dupⁿ′ : ∀ {i} k → C i (i * k)
dupⁿ′ {i} k = rewireWithTbl (concat (vmap replicate (allFin i)))
dup² : ∀ {i} → C i (i + i)
dup² {i} = dupⁿ 2 >>> coerce (cong (_+_ i) (sym (ℕ°.+-comm 0 i)))
_&&&_ : ∀ {i o₀ o₁} → C i o₀ → C i o₁ → C i (o₀ + o₁)
c₀ &&& c₁ = dup² >>> c₀ *** c₁
ext-before : ∀ {k i o} → C i o → C (k + i) (k + o)
ext-before {k} c = idC {k} *** c
ext-after : ∀ {k i o} → C i o → C (i + k) (o + k)
ext-after c = c *** idC
commC : ∀ m n → C (m + n) (n + m)
commC m n = rewireWithTbl (vmap (raise m) (allFin n) ++ vmap (inject+ n) (allFin m))
dropC : ∀ {i} k → C (k + i) i
dropC k = sink k *** idC
takeC : ∀ {i} k → C (k + i) k
takeC {i} k = commC k _ >>> dropC i
swap : ∀ {i} (x y : Fin i) → C i i
swap x y = rewire (Fin.swap x y)
rev : ∀ {i} → C i i
rev = rewire Fin.reverse
swap₂ : C 2 2
swap₂ = rev
Perm : ℕ → ★
Perm n = List (Fin n × Fin n)
perm : ∀ {i} → Perm i → C i i
perm [] = idC
perm ((x , y) ∷ π) = swap x y >>> perm π
headC : ∀ {i} → C (1 + i) 1
headC = takeC 1
tailC : ∀ {i} → C (1 + i) i
tailC = dropC 1
open HComposable isHComposable public
open VComposable isVComposable public
record CircuitBuilder (C : CircuitType) : ★₁ where
constructor mk
isRewiringBuilder : RewiringBuilder C
arr : ∀ {i o} → i →ᵇ o → C i o
leafC : ∀ {o} → Bits o → C 0 o
isForkable : Forkable suc C
open RewiringBuilder isRewiringBuilder
open Forkable isForkable renaming (fork to forkC)
bit : Bit → C 0 1
bit b = leafC (b ∷ [])
0ʷ : C 0 1
0ʷ = bit 0b
0ʷⁿ : ∀ {o} → C 0 o
0ʷⁿ = leafC 0ⁿ
1ʷ : C 0 1
1ʷ = bit 1b
1ʷⁿ : ∀ {o} → C 0 o
1ʷⁿ = leafC 1ⁿ
padL : ∀ {i} k → C i (k + i)
padL k = 0ʷⁿ {k} *** idC
padR : ∀ {i} k → C i (i + k)
padR k = padL k >>> commC k _
arr' : ∀ {i o} → i →ᵇ o → C i o
arr' {zero} f = leafC (f [])
arr' {suc i} f = forkC (arr' {i} (f ∘ 0∷_)) (arr' (f ∘ 1∷_))
unOp : (Bit → Bit) → C 1 1
unOp op = arr (λ { (x ∷ []) → (op x) ∷ [] })
notC : C 1 1
notC = unOp not
binOp : (Bit → Bit → Bit) → C 2 1
binOp op = arr (λ { (x ∷ y ∷ []) → (op x y) ∷ [] })
terOp : (Bit → Bit → Bit → Bit) → C 3 1
terOp op = arr (λ { (x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []) → (op x y z) ∷ [] })
xorC : C 2 1
xorC = binOp _xor_
eqC : C 2 1
eqC = binOp _==ᵇ_
orC : C 2 1
orC = binOp _∨_
andC : C 2 1
andC = binOp _∧_
norC : C 2 1
norC = binOp (λ x y → not (x ∨ y))
nandC : C 2 1
nandC = binOp (λ x y → not (x ∧ y))
if⟨head=0⟩then_else_ : ∀ {i o} (c₀ c₁ : C i o) → C (1 + i) o
if⟨head=0⟩then_else_ = forkC
add₂ : C 3 2
add₂ = carry &&& result
where carry : C 3 1
carry = terOp (λ x y z → x xor (y ∧ z))
result : C 3 1
result = terOp (λ x y z → x xor (y xor z))
open RewiringBuilder isRewiringBuilder public
_→ᶠ_ : CircuitType
i →ᶠ o = Fin o → Fin i
finFunRewiringBuilder : RewiringBuilder _→ᶠ_
finFunRewiringBuilder = mk (opHComp (ixFunHComp Fin)) finFunOpVComp id id _=[_]=_ rewire-spec idC-spec
C = _→ᶠ_
_=[_]=_ : ∀ {i o} → Bits i → C i o → Bits o → ★
input =[ f ]= output = Vec.rewire f input ≡ output
rewire-spec : ∀ {i o} (r : RewireFun i o) bs → bs =[ r ]= Vec.rewire r bs
rewire-spec r bs = refl
idC-spec : ∀ {i} (bs : Bits i) → bs =[ id ]= bs
idC-spec = tabulate∘lookup
tblRewiringBuilder : RewiringBuilder RewireTbl
tblRewiringBuilder = mk (mk _>>>_) (mk _***_) tabulate (allFin _) _=[_]=_ rewire-spec idC-spec
C = RewireTbl
_=[_]=_ : ∀ {i o} → Bits i → C i o → Bits o → ★
input =[ tbl ]= output = Vec.rewireTbl tbl input ≡ output
rewire-spec : ∀ {i o} (r : RewireFun i o) bs → bs =[ tabulate r ]= Vec.rewire r bs
rewire-spec r bs = sym (tabulate-∘ (flip lookup bs) r)
idC-spec : ∀ {i} (bs : Bits i) → bs =[ allFin _ ]= bs
idC-spec bs rewrite rewire-spec id bs = tabulate∘lookup bs
_>>>_ : ∀ {i m o} → C i m → C m o → C i o
c₀ >>> c₁ = Vec.rewireTbl c₁ c₀
_***_ : ∀ {i₀ i₁ o₀ o₁} → C i₀ o₀ → C i₁ o₁ → C (i₀ + i₁) (o₀ + o₁)
_***_ {i₀} c₀ c₁ = vmap (inject+ _) c₀ ++ vmap (raise i₀) c₁
bitsFunRewiringBuilder : RewiringBuilder _→ᵇ_
bitsFunRewiringBuilder = mk bitsFunHComp bitsFunVComp Vec.rewire id _=[_]=_ rewire-spec idC-spec
C = _→ᵇ_
_=[_]=_ : ∀ {i o} → Bits i → C i o → Bits o → ★
input =[ f ]= output = f input ≡ output
rewire-spec : ∀ {i o} (r : RewireFun i o) bs → bs =[ Vec.rewire r ]= Vec.rewire r bs
rewire-spec r bs = refl
idC-spec : ∀ {i} (bs : Bits i) → bs =[ id ]= bs
idC-spec bs = refl
bitsFunCircuitBuilder : CircuitBuilder _→ᵇ_
bitsFunCircuitBuilder = mk bitsFunRewiringBuilder id (λ { bs [] → bs }) bitsFunFork
module BitsFunExtras where
open CircuitBuilder bitsFunCircuitBuilder
C = _→ᵇ_
>>>-spec : ∀ {i m o} (c₀ : C i m) (c₁ : C m o) xs → (c₀ >>> c₁) xs ≡ c₁ (c₀ xs)
>>>-spec _ _ _ = refl
***-spec : ∀ {i₀ i₁ o₀ o₁} (c₀ : C i₀ o₀) (c₁ : C i₁ o₁) xs {ys}
→ (c₀ *** c₁) (xs ++ ys) ≡ c₀ xs ++ c₁ ys
***-spec {i₀} c₀ c₁ xs {ys} with splitAt i₀ (xs ++ ys)
... | pre , post , eq with ++-decomp {xs = xs} {pre} {ys} {post} eq
... | eq1 , eq2 rewrite eq1 | eq2 = refl
open import FunUniverse.BinTree as BinTree hiding (_>>>_; _***_)
treeBitsRewiringBuilder : RewiringBuilder _→ᵗ_
treeBitsRewiringBuilder = mk BinTree.hcomposable BinTree.vcomposable rewire (rewire id) _=[_]=_ rewire-spec idC-spec
C = _→ᵗ_
rewire : ∀ {i o} → RewireFun i o → C i o
rewire f = fromFun (Vec.rewire f)
_=[_]=_ : ∀ {i o} → Bits i → C i o → Bits o → ★
input =[ tree ]= output = toFun tree input ≡ output
rewire-spec : ∀ {i o} (r : RewireFun i o) bs → bs =[ rewire r ]= Vec.rewire r bs
rewire-spec r = toFun∘fromFun (tabulate ∘ flip (Vec.lookup ∘ r))
idC-spec : ∀ {i} (bs : Bits i) → bs =[ rewire id ]= bs
idC-spec bs rewrite toFun∘fromFun (tabulate ∘ flip Vec.lookup) bs | tabulate∘lookup bs = refl
treeBitsCircuitBuilder : CircuitBuilder _→ᵗ_
treeBitsCircuitBuilder = mk treeBitsRewiringBuilder fromFun leaf BinTree.forkable
RewiringTree : CircuitType
RewiringTree i o = Tree (Fin i) o
module RewiringWith2^Outputs where
C_⟨2^_⟩ = RewiringTree
rewire : ∀ {i o} → RewireFun i (2^ o) → C i ⟨2^ o ⟩
rewire f = fromFun (f ∘ toFin)
lookupFin : ∀ {i o} → C i ⟨2^ o ⟩ → Fin (2^ o) → Fin i
lookupFin c x = BinTree.lookup (fromFin x) c
_>>>_ : ∀ {i m o} → C i ⟨2^ m ⟩ → C (2^ m) ⟨2^ o ⟩ → C i ⟨2^ o ⟩
f >>> g = rewire (lookupFin f ∘ lookupFin g)
_***_ : ∀ {i₀ i₁ o₀ o₁} → C i₀ ⟨2^ o₀ ⟩ → C i₁ ⟨2^ o₁ ⟩ → C (i₀ + i₁) ⟨2^ (o₀ + o₁) ⟩
f *** g = f >>= λ x → map (Fin._+′_ x) g
module Test where
open import Data.Bits.Bits4
tbl : RewireTbl 4 4
tbl = # 1 ∷ # 0 ∷ # 2 ∷ # 2 ∷ []
fun : RewireFun 4 4
fun zero = # 1
fun (suc zero) = # 0
fun (suc (suc zero)) = # 2
fun (suc (suc (suc x))) = # 2
abs : ∀ {C} → RewiringBuilder C → C 4 4
abs builder = swap₂ *** dup₁² *** sink 1
where open RewiringBuilder builder
tinytree : Tree (Fin 4) 2
tinytree = fork (fork (leaf (# 1)) (leaf (# 0))) (fork (leaf (# 2)) (leaf (# 2)))
bigtree : Tree (Bits 4) 4
bigtree = fork (fork (fork (same 0000b) (same 0011b)) (fork (same 1000b) (same 1011b)))
(fork (fork (same 0100b) (same 0111b)) (fork (same 1100b) (same 1111b)))
where same : ∀ {n} {A : ★} → A → Tree A (suc n)
same x = fork (leaf x) (leaf x)
test₁ : tbl ≡ tabulate fun
test₁ = refl
test₂ : tbl ≡ abs tblRewiringBuilder
test₂ = refl
test₃ : tabulate fun ≡ tabulate (abs finFunRewiringBuilder)
test₃ = refl
test₄ : bigtree ≡ abs treeBitsRewiringBuilder
test₄ = refl
open RewiringWith2^Outputs
test₅ : tabulate (lookupFin tinytree) ≡ tbl
test₅ = refl