-- {-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms.NP where

open import Level.NP
open import Algebra
import Algebra.FunctionProperties as FP
open import Type hiding ()
open import Function using (_ˢ_; const)

open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; pred)
open import Data.Vec.NP using (Vec; []; _∷_; uncons; ∷-uncons)
open import Data.Nat.NP using (; zero; suc; _+_; _*_) renaming (_^_ to _**_)
open import Data.Maybe.NP
open import Data.Product.NP renaming (map to map×)
--open import Data.Product.N-ary
open import Data.Sum.NP renaming (map to map⊎)
open import Data.One
open import Data.Zero
open import Data.Two using (𝟚; 0₂; 1₂; proj;; not; ≡→✓; ≡→✓not; ✓→≡; ✓not→≡ ; not-involutive; [0:_1:_])

import Function.NP as F
open F using (Π)
import Function.Equality as FE
open FE using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Related as FR
open import Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms public
import Function.Inverse.NP as Inv
open Inv using (_↔_; _∘_; sym; id; inverses; module Inverse) renaming (_$₁_ to to; _$₂_ to from)
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.Indexed as I
open import Data.Indexed using (_⊎°_)
open import Relation.Binary.Product.Pointwise public using (_×-cong_)
open import Relation.Binary.Sum public using (_⊎-cong_)
open import Relation.Binary.Product.Pointwise
open import Relation.Binary.Sum
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 
open  using (_≡_ ; _≢_; _≗_)

module _ {A : Set} {p q : A  𝟚} where
    ΣAP : Set
    ΣAP = Σ A  x  p x  1₂)

    ΣAQ : Set
    ΣAQ = Σ A  x  q x  1₂)

    ΣAP¬Q : Set
    ΣAP¬Q = Σ A  x  p x  1₂ × q x  0₂)

    ΣA¬PQ : Set
    ΣA¬PQ = Σ A  x  p x  0₂ × q x  1₂)

    module M
      (f : ΣAP → ΣAQ)
      (f-1 : ΣAQ → ΣAP)
      (f-1f : ∀ x → f-1 (f x) ≡ x)
      (ff-1 : ∀ x → f (f-1 x) ≡ x)

      f' : ΣAP¬Q → ΣA¬PQ
      f' (x , (p , nq)) = let y = f (x , p) in proj₁ y , {!proj₂ y!} , (proj₂ y)

      f-1' : ΣA¬PQ → ΣAP¬Q
      f-1' = {!!}

      f-1f' : ∀ x → f-1' (f' x) ≡ x
      f-1f' = {!!}

      ff-1' : ∀ x → f' (f-1' x) ≡ x
      ff-1' = {!!}

    module Work-In-Progress
      (f' : ΣAP¬Q  ΣA¬PQ)
      (f-1' : ΣA¬PQ  ΣAP¬Q)
      (f-1f' :  x  f-1' (f' x)  x)
      (ff-1' :  x  f' (f-1' x)  x)

      f   : (x : A)  p x  1₂  q x  0₂  ΣA¬PQ
      f x px qx = f' (x , (px , qx))

      f-1 : (x : A)  p x  0₂  q x  1₂  ΣAP¬Q
      f-1 x px qx = f-1' (x , (px , qx))

      f-1f :  x px nqx 
             let y = proj₂ (f x px nqx) in proj₁ (f-1 (proj₁ (f x px nqx)) (proj₁ y) (proj₂ y))  x
      f-1f x px nqx = ≡.cong proj₁ (f-1f' (x , (px , nqx)))

      ff-1 :  x px nqx 
             let y = proj₂ (f-1 x px nqx) in proj₁ (f (proj₁ (f-1 x px nqx)) (proj₁ y) (proj₂ y))  x
      ff-1 x px nqx = ≡.cong proj₁ (ff-1' (x , (px , nqx)))

      π' : (x : A) (px qx : 𝟚)  p x  px  q x  qx  A
      π' x 1₂ 1₂ px qx = x
      π' x 1₂ 0₂ px qx = proj₁ (f x px qx)
      π' x 0₂ 1₂ px qx = proj₁ (f-1 x px qx)
      π' x 0₂ 0₂ px qx = x

      π : A  A
      π x = π' x (p x) (q x) ≡.refl ≡.refl

      0≢1 : 0₂  1₂
      0≢1 ()

      π01 :  x px qx (ppx : p x  px) (qqx : q x  qx) (px0 : p x  0₂) (qx1 : q x  1₂)  π' x px qx ppx qqx  π' x 0₂ 1₂ px0 qx1
      π01 x 1₂ _  ppx qqx px0 qx1 = 𝟘-elim (0≢1 (≡.trans (≡.sym px0) ppx))
      π01 x 0₂ 1₂ ppx qqx px0 qx1 = ≡.cong₂  z1 z2  proj₁ (f-1 x z1 z2)) (≡.proof-irrelevance ppx px0) (≡.proof-irrelevance qqx qx1)
      π01 x 0₂ 0₂ ppx qqx px0 qx1 = 𝟘-elim (0≢1 (≡.trans (≡.sym qqx) qx1))

      π10 :  x px qx (ppx : p x  px) (qqx : q x  qx) (px1 : p x  1₂) (qx0 : q x  0₂)  π' x px qx ppx qqx  π' x 1₂ 0₂ px1 qx0
      π10 x 0₂ _  ppx qqx px1 qx0 = 𝟘-elim (0≢1 (≡.trans (≡.sym ppx) px1))
      π10 x 1₂ 0₂ ppx qqx px1 qx0 = ≡.cong₂  z1 z2  proj₁ (f x z1 z2)) (≡.proof-irrelevance ppx px1) (≡.proof-irrelevance qqx qx0)
      π10 x 1₂ 1₂ ppx qqx px1 qx0 = 𝟘-elim (0≢1 (≡.trans (≡.sym qx0) qqx))

      π'bb :  {b} x (px : p x  b) (qx : q x  b) ppx qqx ([ppx] : p x  ppx) ([qqx] : q x  qqx)  π' x ppx qqx [ppx] [qqx]  x
      π'bb x px qx 1₂ 1₂ [ppx] [qqx] = ≡.refl
      π'bb x px qx 1₂ 0₂ [ppx] [qqx] = 𝟘-elim (0≢1 (≡.trans (≡.sym [qqx]) (≡.trans qx (≡.trans (≡.sym px) [ppx]))))
      π'bb x px qx 0₂ 1₂ [ppx] [qqx] = 𝟘-elim (0≢1 (≡.trans (≡.sym [ppx]) (≡.trans px (≡.trans (≡.sym qx) [qqx]))))
      π'bb x px qx 0₂ 0₂ [ppx] [qqx] = ≡.refl

      ππ' :  x px qx [px] [qx]  let y = (π' x px qx [px] [qx]) in π' y (p y) (q y) ≡.refl ≡.refl  x
      ππ' x 1₂ 1₂ px qx = π'bb x px qx (p x) (q x) ≡.refl ≡.refl
      ππ' x 1₂ 0₂ px qx = let fx = f x px qx in let pfx = proj₁ (proj₂ fx) in let qfx = proj₂ (proj₂ fx) in ≡.trans (π01 (proj₁ fx) (p (proj₁ fx)) (q (proj₁ fx)) ≡.refl ≡.refl pfx qfx) (f-1f x px qx)
      ππ' x 0₂ 1₂ px qx = let fx = f-1 x px qx in let pfx = proj₁ (proj₂ fx) in let qfx = proj₂ (proj₂ fx) in ≡.trans (π10 (proj₁ fx) (p (proj₁ fx)) (q (proj₁ fx)) ≡.refl ≡.refl pfx qfx) (ff-1 x px qx)
      ππ' x 0₂ 0₂ px qx = π'bb x px qx (p x) (q x) ≡.refl ≡.refl

      ππ :  x  π (π x)  x
      ππ x = ππ' x (p x) (q x) ≡.refl ≡.refl

      prop' :  px qx x ([px] : p x  px) ([qx] : q x  qx)  q (π' x px qx [px] [qx])  px
      prop' 1₂ 1₂ x px qx = qx
      prop' 1₂ 0₂ x px qx = proj₂ (proj₂ (f x px qx))
      prop' 0₂ 1₂ x px qx = proj₂ (proj₂ (f-1 x px qx))
      prop' 0₂ 0₂ x px qx = qx

      prop :  x  p x  q (π x)
      prop x = ≡.sym (prop' (p x) (q x) x ≡.refl ≡.refl)

module _ {a b f} {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b}
         (F : (x : A)  B x  Set f) where

    -- Also called Axiom of dependent choice.
    dep-choice-iso : (Π A  x  Σ (B x) (F x)))
                    (Σ (Π A B) λ f  Π A (F ˢ f))
    dep-choice-iso = inverses () (uncurry <_,_>)  _  ≡.refl)  _  ≡.refl)
         = λ f   x  proj₁ (f x)) ,  x  proj₂ (f x))

Maybe-injective :  {A B : Set}  Maybe A  Maybe B  A  B
Maybe-injective f = Iso.iso (g f) (g-empty f)
  module Maybe-injective where
    open Inverse using (injective; left-inverse-of; right-inverse-of)

    module _ {A B : Set}
      (f : Maybe A  Maybe B)
      (tof-tot :  x  to f (just x)  nothing)
      (fof-tot :  x  from f (just x)  nothing) where

        CancelMaybe' : A  B
        CancelMaybe' = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐ where

           : _  _
           x with to f (just x) | tof-tot x
           x | just y  | _ = y
           x | nothing | p = 𝟘-elim (p ≡.refl)

           : _  _
           x with from f (just x) | fof-tot x
           x | just y  | p = y
           x | nothing | p = 𝟘-elim (p ≡.refl)

          ⇐⇒ :  x   ( x)  x
          ⇐⇒ x with to f (just x)
                  | tof-tot x
                  | from f (just ( x))
                  | fof-tot ( x)
                  | left-inverse-of f (just x)
                  | right-inverse-of f (just ( x))
          ⇐⇒ x | just x₁ | p | just x₂ | q | b | c  = just-injective (≡.trans (≡.sym (left-inverse-of f (just x₂))) (≡.trans (≡.cong (from f) c) b))
          ⇐⇒ x | just x₁ | p | nothing | q | _ | _  = 𝟘-elim (q ≡.refl)
          ⇐⇒ x | nothing | p | z       | q | _ | _  = 𝟘-elim (p ≡.refl)

          ⇒⇐ :  x   ( x)  x
          ⇒⇐ x with from f (just x)
                  | fof-tot x
                  | to f (just ( x))
                  | tof-tot ( x)
                  | right-inverse-of f (just x)
                  | left-inverse-of f (just ( x))
          ⇒⇐ x | just x₁ | p | just x₂ | q | b | c = just-injective (≡.trans (≡.sym (right-inverse-of f (just x₂))) (≡.trans (≡.cong (to f) c) b))
          ⇒⇐ x | just x₁ | p | nothing | q | _ | _ = 𝟘-elim (q ≡.refl)
          ⇒⇐ x | nothing | p | z       | q | _ | _ = 𝟘-elim (p ≡.refl)

    module Iso {A B : Set}
      (f : Maybe A  Maybe B)
      (f-empty : to f nothing  nothing) where

      tof-tot :  x  to f (just x)  nothing
      tof-tot x eq with injective f (≡.trans eq (≡.sym f-empty))
      ... | ()

      f-empty' : from f nothing  nothing
      f-empty' = ≡.trans (≡.sym (≡.cong (from f) f-empty)) (left-inverse-of f nothing)

      fof-tot :  x  from f (just x)  nothing
      fof-tot x eq with injective (sym f) (≡.trans eq (≡.sym f-empty'))
      ... | ()

      iso : A  B
      iso = CancelMaybe' f tof-tot fof-tot

    module _ {A B : Set}
      (f : Maybe A  Maybe B) where

      g : Maybe A  Maybe B
      g = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐ where

           : Maybe A  Maybe B
           (just x) with to f (just x)
          ... | nothing = to f nothing
          ... | just y  = just y
           nothing = nothing

           : Maybe B  Maybe A
           (just x) with from f (just x)
          ... | nothing = from f nothing
          ... | just y  = just y
           nothing = nothing

          ⇐⇒ :  x   ( x)  x
          ⇐⇒ (just x) with to f (just x) | left-inverse-of f (just x)
          ⇐⇒ (just x) | just x₁ | p rewrite p = ≡.refl
          ⇐⇒ (just x) | nothing | p with to f nothing | left-inverse-of f nothing
          ⇐⇒ (just x) | nothing | p | just _ | q rewrite q = p
          ⇐⇒ (just x) | nothing | p | nothing | q = ≡.trans (≡.sym q) p
          ⇐⇒ nothing = ≡.refl

          ⇒⇐ :  x   ( x)  x
          ⇒⇐ (just x) with from f (just x) | right-inverse-of f (just x)
          ⇒⇐ (just x) | just x₁ | p rewrite p = ≡.refl
          ⇒⇐ (just x) | nothing | p with from f nothing | right-inverse-of f nothing
          ⇒⇐ (just x) | nothing | p | just _  | q rewrite q = p
          ⇒⇐ (just x) | nothing | p | nothing | q = ≡.trans (≡.sym q) p
          ⇒⇐ nothing = ≡.refl

      g-empty : to g nothing  nothing
      g-empty = ≡.refl

    Setoid₀ :  _
    Setoid₀ = Setoid  

Σ≡↔𝟙 :  {a} {A :  a} x  Σ A (_≡_ x)  𝟙
Σ≡↔𝟙 x = inverses (F.const _)  _  _ , ≡.refl)
                  helper  _  ≡.refl)
  where helper : (y : Σ _ (_≡_ x))  (x , ≡.refl)  y
        helper (.x , ≡.refl) = ≡.refl

module _ {a b c} {A :  a} {B : A   b} {C : Σ A B   c} where
    curried : Π (Σ A B) C  Π A λ a  Π (B a) λ b  C (a , b)
    curried = inverses curry uncurry  _  ≡.refl)  _  ≡.refl)

module _ {a b c} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C : A   c} (f : A  B) where
    left-f = Inverse.left-inverse-of f
    right-f = Inverse.right-inverse-of f
    coe :  x  C x  C (from f (to f x))
    coe x = ≡.subst C (≡.sym (left-f x))
     : Σ A C  Σ B (C F.∘ from f)
     (x , p) = to f x , coe x p
     : Σ B (C F.∘ from f)  Σ A C
     = first (from f)
    ⇐⇒ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇐⇒ (x , p) rewrite left-f x = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇒⇐ p = mkΣ≡ (C F.∘ from f) (right-f (proj₁ p)) (helper p)
                helper :  p  ≡.subst (C F.∘ from f) (right-f (proj₁ p)) (coe (proj₁ ( p)) (proj₂ ( p)))  proj₂ p
                helper p with to f (from f (proj₁ p)) | right-f (proj₁ p) | left-f (from f (proj₁ p))
                helper _ | ._ | ≡.refl | ≡.refl = ≡.refl
  first-iso : Σ A C  Σ B (C F.∘ from f)
  first-iso = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐

module _ {a b c} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C : B   c} (f : A  B) where
  sym-first-iso : Σ A (C F.∘ to f)  Σ B C
  sym-first-iso = sym (first-iso (sym f))

module _ {a b c} {A :  a} {B : A   b} {C : A   c} (f :  x  B x  C x) where
    left-f = Inverse.left-inverse-of F.∘ f
    right-f = Inverse.right-inverse-of F.∘ f
     : Σ A B  Σ A C
     = second (to (f _))
     : Σ A C  Σ A B
     = second (from (f _))
    ⇐⇒ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇐⇒ (x , y) rewrite left-f x y = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇒⇐ (x , y) rewrite right-f x y = ≡.refl
  second-iso : Σ A B  Σ A C
  second-iso = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐

module _ {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} (f₀ f₁ : A  B) where
  𝟚×-second-iso : (𝟚 × A)  (𝟚 × B)
  𝟚×-second-iso = second-iso {A = 𝟚} {B = const A} {C = const B} (proj (f₀ , f₁))

module _ {a b c} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C : A  B   c} where
    S = Σ (A  B) C
    T = Σ A (C F.∘ inj₁)  Σ B (C F.∘ inj₂)
     : S  T
     (inj₁ x , y) = inj₁ (x , y)
     (inj₂ x , y) = inj₂ (x , y)
     : T  S
     (inj₁ (x , y)) = inj₁ x , y
     (inj₂ (x , y)) = inj₂ x , y
    ⇐⇒ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇐⇒ (inj₁ _ , _) = ≡.refl
    ⇐⇒ (inj₂ _ , _) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇒⇐ (inj₁ _) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ (inj₂ _) = ≡.refl

  Σ⊎-distrib : (Σ (A  B) C)  (Σ A (C F.∘ inj₁)  Σ B (C F.∘ inj₂))
  Σ⊎-distrib = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐

module _ {a b c} {A :  a} {B : A   b} {C : A   c} where
    S = Σ A (B ⊎° C)
    T = Σ A B  Σ A C
     : S  T
     (x , inj₁ y) = inj₁ (x , y)
     (x , inj₂ y) = inj₂ (x , y)
     : T  S
     (inj₁ (x , y)) = x , inj₁ y
     (inj₂ (x , y)) = x , inj₂ y
    ⇐⇒ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇐⇒ (_ , inj₁ _) = ≡.refl
    ⇐⇒ (_ , inj₂ _) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ :  x   ( x)  x
    ⇒⇐ (inj₁ _) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ (inj₂ _) = ≡.refl

  Σ-⊎-hom : Σ A (B ⊎° C)  (Σ A B  Σ A C)
  Σ-⊎-hom = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐

{- requires extensional equality
module _ {a b c} {A : ★ a} {B : ★ b} {C : A ⊎ B → ★ c} where
    S = Π (A ⊎ B) C
    T = Π A (C F.∘ inj₁) × Π B (C F.∘ inj₂)
    ⇒ : S → T
    ⇒ f = f F.∘ inj₁ , f F.∘ inj₂
    ⇐ : T → S
    ⇐ (f , g) = [ f , g ]
    ⇐⇒ : ∀ f x → ⇐ (⇒ f) x ≡ f x
    ⇐⇒ f (inj₁ x) = ≡.refl
    ⇐⇒ f (inj₂ y) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ : ∀ x → ⇒ (⇐ x) ≡ x
    ⇒⇐ (f , g) = ≡.refl

  Π×-distrib : S ↔ T
  Π×-distrib = inverses (⇒) (⇐) {!⇐⇒!} ⇒⇐

⊎-ICommutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid _ _
⊎-ICommutativeMonoid = record {
                         _≈_ = Inv.Inverse;
                         _∙_ = _⊎-setoid_;
                         ε = ≡.setoid 𝟘;
                         isCommutativeMonoid = record
                            { isSemigroup = record
                              { isEquivalence = Inv.isEquivalence
                              ; assoc = assoc
                              ; ∙-cong = _⊎-inverse_
                            ; identityˡ = left-identity
                            ; comm = comm
  open FP (Inv.Inverse {f₁ = }{f₂ = })

  left-identity : LeftIdentity (≡.setoid 𝟘) _⊎-setoid_
  left-identity A = record
    { to = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = [  ()) , F.id ]
      ; cong  = cong-to
    ; from = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = inj₂
      ; cong = ₂∼₂
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of = [  ()) ,  x  ₂∼₂ refl) ]
      ; right-inverse-of = λ x  refl
    } where open Setoid A
            cong-to : Setoid._≈_ (≡.setoid 𝟘 ⊎-setoid A) =[ _ ]⇒ _≈_
            cong-to (₁∼₂ ())
            cong-to (₁∼₁ x∼₁y) rewrite x∼₁y = refl
            cong-to (₂∼₂ x∼₂y) = x∼₂y

  assoc : Associative _⊎-setoid_
  assoc A B C = record
    { to = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ F.∘ inj₁ ] , inj₂ F.∘ inj₂ ]
      ; cong = cong-to
    ; from = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = [ inj₁ F.∘ inj₁ , [ inj₁ F.∘ inj₂ , inj₂ ] ]
      ; cong = cong-from
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of = [ [  _  ₁∼₁ (₁∼₁ (refl A))) ,  _  ₁∼₁ (₂∼₂ (refl B)) ) ] ,  _  ₂∼₂ (refl C)) ]
      ; right-inverse-of = [  _  ₁∼₁ (refl A)) , [  _  ₂∼₂ (₁∼₁ (refl B))) ,  _  ₂∼₂ (₂∼₂ (refl C))) ] ]
    } where
      open Setoid
      cong-to : _≈_ ((A ⊎-setoid B) ⊎-setoid C) =[ _ ]⇒ _≈_ (A ⊎-setoid (B ⊎-setoid C))
      cong-to (₁∼₂ ())
      cong-to (₁∼₁ (₁∼₂ ()))
      cong-to (₁∼₁ (₁∼₁ x∼₁y)) = ₁∼₁ x∼₁y
      cong-to (₁∼₁ (₂∼₂ x∼₂y)) = ₂∼₂ (₁∼₁ x∼₂y)
      cong-to (₂∼₂ x∼₂y) = ₂∼₂ (₂∼₂ x∼₂y)

      cong-from : _≈_ (A ⊎-setoid (B ⊎-setoid C)) =[ _ ]⇒ _≈_ ((A ⊎-setoid B) ⊎-setoid C)
      cong-from (₁∼₂ ())
      cong-from (₁∼₁ x∼₁y) = ₁∼₁ (₁∼₁ x∼₁y)
      cong-from (₂∼₂ (₁∼₂ ()))
      cong-from (₂∼₂ (₁∼₁ x∼₁y)) = ₁∼₁ (₂∼₂ x∼₁y)
      cong-from (₂∼₂ (₂∼₂ x∼₂y)) = ₂∼₂ x∼₂y

  comm : Commutative _⊎-setoid_
  comm A B = record
    { to = swap'
    ; from = swap'
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of  = inv A B
      ; right-inverse-of = inv B A
    } where
      swap' :  {A B}  A ⊎-setoid B FE.⟶ B ⊎-setoid A
      swap' {A} {B} = record
        { _⟨$⟩_ = [ inj₂ , inj₁ ]
        ; cong = cong
        } where
          cong : Setoid._≈_ (A ⊎-setoid B) =[ _ ]⇒ Setoid._≈_ (B ⊎-setoid A)
          cong (₁∼₂ ())
          cong (₁∼₁ x∼₁y) = ₂∼₂ x∼₁y
          cong (₂∼₂ x∼₂y) = ₁∼₁ x∼₂y

      inv :  A B   x  Setoid._≈_ (A ⊎-setoid B) (swap' FE.∘ swap' {A} {B}⟨$⟩ x) x
      inv A B = [  _  ₁∼₁ (Setoid.refl A)) ,  _  ₂∼₂ (Setoid.refl B)) ]

×-ICommutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid _ _
×-ICommutativeMonoid = record {
                         _≈_ = Inv.Inverse;
                         _∙_ = _×-setoid_;
                         ε = ≡.setoid 𝟙;
                         isCommutativeMonoid = record
                            { isSemigroup = record
                              { isEquivalence = Inv.isEquivalence
                              ; assoc = assoc
                              ; ∙-cong = _×-inverse_
                            ; identityˡ = left-identity
                            ; comm = comm
  open FP (Inv.Inverse {f₁ = }{f₂ = })

  left-identity : LeftIdentity (≡.setoid 𝟙) _×-setoid_
  left-identity A = record
    { to = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = proj₂
      ; cong = proj₂
    ; from = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = λ x  _ , x
      ; cong = λ x  ≡.refl , x
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of = λ x  ≡.refl , (Setoid.refl A)
      ; right-inverse-of = λ x  Setoid.refl A

  assoc : Associative _×-setoid_
  assoc A B C = record
    { to = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = < proj₁ F.∘ proj₁ , < proj₂ F.∘ proj₁ , proj₂ > >
      ; cong  = < proj₁ F.∘ proj₁ , < proj₂ F.∘ proj₁ , proj₂ > >
    ; from = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = < < proj₁ , proj₁ F.∘ proj₂ > , proj₂ F.∘ proj₂ >
      ; cong  = < < proj₁ , proj₁ F.∘ proj₂ > , proj₂ F.∘ proj₂ >
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of = λ _  Setoid.refl ((A ×-setoid B) ×-setoid C)
      ; right-inverse-of = λ _  Setoid.refl (A ×-setoid (B ×-setoid C))

  comm : Commutative _×-setoid_
  comm A B = record
    { to = swap' {A} {B}
    ; from = swap' {B} {A}
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of = inv A B
      ; right-inverse-of = inv B A
    } where
      swap' :  {A B}  A ×-setoid B FE.⟶ B ×-setoid A
      swap' {A}{B} = record { _⟨$⟩_ = swap; cong = swap }

      inv :  A B   x  Setoid._≈_ (A ×-setoid B) (swap' {B} {A} FE.∘ swap' {A} {B}⟨$⟩ x) x
      inv A B = λ x  Setoid.refl (A ×-setoid B)

×⊎-ICommutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring _ _
×⊎-ICommutativeSemiring = record
  { _≈_ = Inv.Inverse
  ; _+_ = _⊎-setoid_
  ; _*_ = _×-setoid_
  ; 0# = ≡.setoid 𝟘
  ; 1# = ≡.setoid 𝟙
  ; isCommutativeSemiring = record
    { +-isCommutativeMonoid = CommutativeMonoid.isCommutativeMonoid ⊎-ICommutativeMonoid
    ; *-isCommutativeMonoid = CommutativeMonoid.isCommutativeMonoid ×-ICommutativeMonoid
    ; distribʳ = distribʳ
    ; zeroˡ = zeroˡ
  open FP (Inv.Inverse {f₁ = }{f₂ = })

  distribʳ : _×-setoid_ DistributesOverʳ _⊎-setoid_
  distribʳ A B C = record
    { to = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = uncurry [ curry inj₁ , curry inj₂ ]
      ; cong = cong-to
    ; from = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = frm
      ; cong = cong-from
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of  = uncurry [  x y  (₁∼₁ (refl B)) , (refl A)) ,  x y  (₂∼₂ (refl C)) , (refl A)) ]
      ; right-inverse-of = [ uncurry  x y  ₁∼₁ ((refl B {x}) , (refl A {y})))
                           , uncurry  x y  ₂∼₂ ((refl C {x}) , (refl A {y}))) ]
    } where
      open Setoid
      A' = Carrier A
      B' = Carrier B
      C' = Carrier C

      cong-to : _≈_ ((B ⊎-setoid C) ×-setoid A) =[ _ ]⇒ _≈_ ((B ×-setoid A) ⊎-setoid (C ×-setoid A))
      cong-to (₁∼₂ () , _)
      cong-to (₁∼₁ x∼₁y , A-rel) = ₁∼₁ (x∼₁y , A-rel)
      cong-to (₂∼₂ x∼₂y , A-rel) = ₂∼₂ (x∼₂y , A-rel)

      frm : B' × A'  C' × A'  (B'  C') × A'
      frm = [ map× inj₁ F.id , map× inj₂ F.id ]

      cong-from : _≈_ ((B ×-setoid A) ⊎-setoid (C ×-setoid A)) =[ _ ]⇒ _≈_ ((B ⊎-setoid C) ×-setoid A)
      cong-from (₁∼₂ ())
      cong-from (₁∼₁ (B-rel , A-rel)) = ₁∼₁ B-rel , A-rel
      cong-from (₂∼₂ (C-rel , A-rel)) = ₂∼₂ C-rel , A-rel

  zeroˡ : LeftZero (≡.setoid 𝟘) _×-setoid_
  zeroˡ A = record
    { to = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = proj₁
      ; cong = proj₁
    ; from = record
      { _⟨$⟩_ = 𝟘-elim
      ; cong = λ { {()} x }
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of = λ x  𝟘-elim (proj₁ x)
      ; right-inverse-of = λ x  𝟘-elim x

module ×-CMon {a} = CommutativeMonoid (×-CommutativeMonoid FR.bijection a)
module ⊎-CMon {a} = CommutativeMonoid (⊎-CommutativeMonoid FR.bijection a)
module ×⊎° {a}    = CommutativeSemiring (×⊎-CommutativeSemiring FR.bijection a)

module ×-ICMon = CommutativeMonoid ×-ICommutativeMonoid
module ⊎-ICMon = CommutativeMonoid ⊎-ICommutativeMonoid
module ×⊎°I    = CommutativeSemiring ×⊎-ICommutativeSemiring

lift-⊎ :  {A B : Set}  Inv.Inverse ((≡.setoid A) ⊎-setoid (≡.setoid B)) (≡.setoid (A  B))
lift-⊎ {A}{B} = record
  { to = record
    { _⟨$⟩_ = λ x  x
    ; cong = cong
  ; from = record
    { _⟨$⟩_ = λ x  x
    ; cong = λ x  Setoid.reflexive (≡.setoid A ⊎-setoid ≡.setoid B) x
  ; inverse-of = record
    { left-inverse-of = λ x  Setoid.refl (≡.setoid A ⊎-setoid ≡.setoid B)
    ; right-inverse-of = λ x  Setoid.refl (≡.setoid (A  B))
  } where
    cong : Setoid._≈_ (≡.setoid A ⊎-setoid ≡.setoid B)  =[ _ ]⇒ Setoid._≈_ (≡.setoid (A  B))
    cong (₁∼₂ ())
    cong (₁∼₁ x∼₁y) = ≡.cong inj₁ x∼₁y
    cong (₂∼₂ x∼₂y) = ≡.cong inj₂ x∼₂y

swap-iso :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}  (A × B)  (B × A)
swap-iso = inverses swap swap  _  ≡.refl)  _  ≡.refl)

module _ {a b c} {A :  a} {B :  b} {C : A × B   c} where
  Σ×-swap : Σ (A × B) C  Σ (B × A) (C F.∘ swap)
  Σ×-swap = first-iso swap-iso

Maybe↔Lift𝟙⊎ :  { a} {A :  a}  Maybe A  (Lift {= } 𝟙  A)
  = inverses (maybe inj₂ (inj₁ _))
             [ F.const nothing , just ]
             (maybe  _  ≡.refl) ≡.refl)
             [  _  ≡.refl) ,  _  ≡.refl) ]

Maybe↔𝟙⊎ :  {a} {A :  a}  Maybe A  (𝟙  A)
  = inverses (maybe inj₂ (inj₁ _))
             [ F.const nothing , just ]
             (maybe  _  ≡.refl) ≡.refl)
             [  _  ≡.refl) ,  _  ≡.refl) ]

Maybe-cong :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b}  A  B  Maybe A  Maybe B
Maybe-cong A↔B = sym Maybe↔𝟙⊎  id ⊎-cong A↔B  Maybe↔𝟙⊎

Maybe∘Maybe^↔Maybe^∘Maybe :  {a} {A :  a} n  Maybe (Maybe^ n A)  Maybe^ n (Maybe A)
Maybe∘Maybe^↔Maybe^∘Maybe zero    = id
Maybe∘Maybe^↔Maybe^∘Maybe (suc n) = Maybe-cong (Maybe∘Maybe^↔Maybe^∘Maybe n)

Maybe^-cong :  {a b} {A :  a} {B :  b} n  A  B  Maybe^ n A  Maybe^ n B
Maybe^-cong zero    = F.id
Maybe^-cong (suc n) = Maybe-cong F.∘ Maybe^-cong n

Vec0↔Lift𝟙 :  {a } {A :  a}  Vec A 0  Lift {_} {} 𝟙
Vec0↔Lift𝟙 = inverses _ (F.const [])  { []  ≡.refl })  _  ≡.refl)

Vec0↔𝟙 :  {a} {A :  a}  Vec A 0  𝟙
Vec0↔𝟙 = inverses _ (F.const [])  { []  ≡.refl })  _  ≡.refl)

Vec∘suc↔A×Vec :  {a} {A :  a} {n}  Vec A (suc n)  (A × Vec A n)
  = inverses uncons (uncurry _∷_) ∷-uncons  _  ≡.refl)

infix 8 _^_

_^_ :  {a}   a     a
A ^ 0     = Lift 𝟙
A ^ suc n = A × A ^ n

^↔Vec :  {a} {A :  a} n  (A ^ n)  Vec A n
^↔Vec zero    = sym Vec0↔Lift𝟙
^↔Vec (suc n) = sym Vec∘suc↔A×Vec  (id ×-cong (^↔Vec n))

Fin0↔𝟘 : Fin 0  𝟘
Fin0↔𝟘 = inverses (λ()) (λ()) (λ()) (λ())

Fin1↔𝟙 : Fin 1  𝟙
Fin1↔𝟙 = inverses _  _  zero) ⇐⇒  _  ≡.refl)
  where ⇐⇒ : (_ : Fin 1)  _
        ⇐⇒ zero = ≡.refl
        ⇐⇒ (suc ())

Fin∘suc↔Maybe∘Fin :  {n}  Fin (suc n)  Maybe (Fin n)
Fin∘suc↔Maybe∘Fin {n}
  = inverses to' (maybe suc zero)
              { zero  ≡.refl ; (suc n)  ≡.refl })
             (maybe  _  ≡.refl) ≡.refl)
  where to' : Fin (suc n)  Maybe (Fin n)
        to' zero = nothing
        to' (suc n) = just n

Fin-injective :  {m n}  Fin m  Fin n  m  n
Fin-injective = go _ _ where
    go :  m n  Fin m  Fin n  m  n
    go zero    zero    iso = ≡.refl
    go zero    (suc n) iso with from iso zero
    ...                       | ()
    go (suc m) zero    iso with to iso zero
    ...                       | ()
    go (suc m) (suc n) iso = ≡.cong suc (go m n (Maybe-injective (Fin∘suc↔Maybe∘Fin  iso  sym Fin∘suc↔Maybe∘Fin)))

Lift↔id :  {a} {A :  a}  Lift {a} {a} A  A
Lift↔id = inverses lower lift  { (lift x)  ≡.refl })  _  ≡.refl)

𝟙×A↔A :  {A : ★₀}  (𝟙 × A)  A
𝟙×A↔A = proj₁ ×-CMon.identity _  sym Lift↔id ×-cong id

A×𝟙↔A :  {A : ★₀}  (A × 𝟙)  A
A×𝟙↔A = proj₂ ×-CMon.identity _  id ×-cong sym Lift↔id

Π𝟙F↔F :  {} {F : 𝟙  ★_ }  Π 𝟙 F  F _
Π𝟙F↔F = inverses  x  x _) const  _  ≡.refl)  _  ≡.refl)

𝟙→A↔A :  {} {A : ★_ }  (𝟙  A)  A
𝟙→A↔A = Π𝟙F↔F

not-𝟚↔𝟚 : 𝟚  𝟚
not-𝟚↔𝟚 = inverses not not not-involutive not-involutive

≡-iso :  { ℓ'}{A : ★_ }{B : ★_ ℓ'}{x y : A}  (π : A  B)  (x  y)  (to π x  to π y)
≡-iso {x = x}{y} π = inverses (≡.cong (to π))
                               p  ≡.trans (≡.sym (Inverse.left-inverse-of π x))
                                    (≡.trans (≡.cong (from π) p)
                                             (Inverse.left-inverse-of π y)))
                               x  ≡.proof-irrelevance _ x)  x  ≡.proof-irrelevance _ x)

-- requires extensionality
module _ {a} {A : ★_ a} (ext𝟘 : (f g : 𝟘  A)  f  g) where
    𝟘→A↔𝟙 : (𝟘  A)  𝟙
    𝟘→A↔𝟙 = inverses _  _ ())  h  ext𝟘 _ h)  _  ≡.refl)

-- requires extensionality
module _ {} {F : 𝟘  ★_ } (ext𝟘 : (f g : Π 𝟘 F)  f  g) where
    Π𝟘↔𝟙 : Π 𝟘 F  𝟙
    Π𝟘↔𝟙 = inverses _  _ ())  h  ext𝟘 _ h)  _  ≡.refl)

module _ {} {F : 𝟚  ★_ } (ext𝟚 : {f g : Π 𝟚 F}  (∀ x  f x  g x)  f  g) where
    Π𝟚F↔F₀×F₁ : Π 𝟚 F  (F 0₂ × F 1₂)
    Π𝟚F↔F₀×F₁ = inverses  f  f 0₂ , f 1₂) proj
                          f  ext𝟚  { 0₂  ≡.refl ; 1₂  ≡.refl }))
                          _  ≡.refl)

module _ {} {A : ★_ } (ext𝟚 : {f g : 𝟚  A}  f  g  f  g) where
    𝟚→A↔A×A : (𝟚  A)  (A × A)
    𝟚→A↔A×A = Π𝟚F↔F₀×F₁ ext𝟚

𝟘⊎A↔A :  {A : ★₀}  (𝟘  A)  A
𝟘⊎A↔A = proj₁ ⊎-CMon.identity _  sym Lift↔id ⊎-cong id

A⊎𝟘↔A :  {A : ★₀}  (A  𝟘)  A
A⊎𝟘↔A = proj₂ ⊎-CMon.identity _  id ⊎-cong sym Lift↔id

𝟘×A↔𝟘 :  {A : ★₀}  (𝟘 × A)  𝟘
𝟘×A↔𝟘 = Lift↔id  proj₁ ×⊎°.zero _  sym (Lift↔id ×-cong id)

Maybe𝟘↔𝟙 : Maybe 𝟘  𝟙
Maybe𝟘↔𝟙 = A⊎𝟘↔A  Maybe↔𝟙⊎

Maybe^𝟘↔Fin :  n  Maybe^ n 𝟘  Fin n
Maybe^𝟘↔Fin zero    = sym Fin0↔𝟘
Maybe^𝟘↔Fin (suc n) = sym Fin∘suc↔Maybe∘Fin  Maybe-cong (Maybe^𝟘↔Fin n)

Maybe^𝟙↔Fin1+ :  n  Maybe^ n 𝟙  Fin (suc n)
Maybe^𝟙↔Fin1+ n = Maybe^𝟘↔Fin (suc n)  sym (Maybe∘Maybe^↔Maybe^∘Maybe n)  Maybe^-cong n (sym Maybe𝟘↔𝟙)

Maybe-⊎ :  {a} {A B :  a}  (Maybe A  B)  Maybe (A  B)
Maybe-⊎ {a} = sym Maybe↔Lift𝟙⊎  ⊎-CMon.assoc (Lift {_} {a} 𝟙) _ _  (Maybe↔Lift𝟙⊎ ⊎-cong id)

Maybe^-⊎-+ :  {A} m n  (Maybe^ m 𝟘  Maybe^ n A)  Maybe^ (m + n) A
Maybe^-⊎-+ zero    n = 𝟘⊎A↔A
Maybe^-⊎-+ (suc m) n = Maybe-cong (Maybe^-⊎-+ m n)  Maybe-⊎

Σ𝟘↔𝟘 :  {a} (F : 𝟘  ★_ a)  Σ 𝟘 F  𝟘
Σ𝟘↔𝟘 F = inverses proj₁  ())  { ((), _) })  ())

Σ𝟚↔⊎ :  {a} (F : 𝟚  ★_ a)  Σ 𝟚 F  (F 0₂  F 1₂)
Σ𝟚↔⊎ F = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐
     : (x : Σ _ _)  _
     (0₂ , p) = inj₁ p
     (1₂ , p) = inj₂ p
     : (x : _  _)  _
     (inj₁ x) = 0₂ , x
     (inj₂ y) = 1₂ , y

    ⇐⇒ : (_ : Σ _ _)  _
    ⇐⇒ (0₂ , p) = ≡.refl
    ⇐⇒ (1₂ , p) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ : (_ : _  _)  _
    ⇒⇐ (inj₁ _) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ (inj₂ _) = ≡.refl

⊎⇿Σ2 :  {} {A B :  }  (A  B)  Σ 𝟚 [0: A 1: B ]
⊎⇿Σ2 {A = A} {B} = inverses () () ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐
     : A  B  _
     (inj₁ x) = 0₂ , x
     (inj₂ x) = 1₂ , x
     : Σ _ _  A  B
     (0₂ , x) = inj₁ x
     (1₂ , x) = inj₂ x
    ⇐⇒ : (_ : _  _)  _
    ⇐⇒ (inj₁ x) = ≡.refl
    ⇐⇒ (inj₂ x) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ : (_ : Σ _ _)  _
    ⇒⇐ (0₂ , x) = ≡.refl
    ⇒⇐ (1₂ , x) = ≡.refl

𝟚↔𝟙⊎𝟙 : 𝟚  (𝟙  𝟙)
𝟚↔𝟙⊎𝟙 = inverses (proj (inj₁ _ , inj₂ _)) [ F.const 0₂ , F.const 1₂ ] ⇐⇒ ⇒⇐
  ⇐⇒ : (_ : 𝟚)  _
  ⇐⇒ 0₂ = ≡.refl
  ⇐⇒ 1₂ = ≡.refl
  ⇒⇐ : (_ : 𝟙  𝟙)  _
  ⇒⇐ (inj₁ _) = ≡.refl
  ⇒⇐ (inj₂ _) = ≡.refl

Fin-⊎-+ :  m n  (Fin m  Fin n)  Fin (m + n)
Fin-⊎-+ m n = Maybe^𝟘↔Fin (m + n)
             Maybe^-⊎-+ m n
             sym (Maybe^𝟘↔Fin m ⊎-cong Maybe^𝟘↔Fin n)

Fin∘suc↔𝟙⊎Fin :  {n}  Fin (suc n)  (𝟙  Fin n)
Fin∘suc↔𝟙⊎Fin = Maybe↔𝟙⊎  Fin∘suc↔Maybe∘Fin

Fin↔𝟙⊎^𝟘 :  n  Fin n  𝟙⊎^ n
Fin↔𝟙⊎^𝟘 zero    = Fin0↔𝟘
Fin↔𝟙⊎^𝟘 (suc n) = Inv.id ⊎-cong Fin↔𝟙⊎^𝟘 n Inv.∘ Fin∘suc↔𝟙⊎Fin

Fin-×-* :  m n  (Fin m × Fin n)  Fin (m * n)
Fin-×-* zero n = (Fin 0 × Fin n) ↔⟨ Fin0↔𝟘 ×-cong id 
                 (𝟘 × Fin n) ↔⟨ 𝟘×A↔𝟘 
                 𝟘 ↔⟨ sym Fin0↔𝟘 
                 Fin 0 
  where open EquationalReasoning hiding (sym)
Fin-×-* (suc m) n = (Fin (suc m) × Fin n) ↔⟨ Fin∘suc↔𝟙⊎Fin ×-cong id 
                    ((𝟙  Fin m) × Fin n) ↔⟨ ×⊎°.distribʳ (Fin n) 𝟙 (Fin m) 
                    ((𝟙 × Fin n)  (Fin m × Fin n)) ↔⟨ 𝟙×A↔A ⊎-cong Fin-×-* m n 
                    (Fin n  Fin (m * n)) ↔⟨ Fin-⊎-+ n (m * n) 
                    Fin (suc m * n) 
  where open EquationalReasoning hiding (sym)

Fin⊎-injective :  {A B : Set} n  (Fin n  A)  (Fin n  B)  A  B
Fin⊎-injective zero    f = 𝟘⊎A↔A  Fin0↔𝟘 ⊎-cong id  f  sym Fin0↔𝟘 ⊎-cong id  sym 𝟘⊎A↔A
Fin⊎-injective (suc n) f =
  Fin⊎-injective n
       (sym Maybe↔𝟙⊎ 
        ⊎-CMon.assoc _ _ _ 
        Fin∘suc↔𝟙⊎Fin ⊎-cong id 
        sym Fin∘suc↔𝟙⊎Fin ⊎-cong id 
        sym (⊎-CMon.assoc _ _ _) 

-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}