-- {-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import Function
open import Type
open import Data.Maybe.NP
open import Data.Fin.NP as Fin hiding (_+_; _==_)
open import Data.Product renaming (zip to zip-×)
open import Data.One
open import Data.Two
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.List as L

open import Data.Nat.NP renaming (_==_ to _==ℕ_)

open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Explorable
open import Explore.Product
open Operators
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Control.Strategy

module Game.ReceiptFreeness
  (PubKey    : )
  (SecKey    : )
  -- Message = 𝟚
  (CipherText : )

  (SerialNumber : )

  -- randomness supply for, encryption, key-generation, adversary, adversary state
  (Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ : )
  (#q : ) (max#q : Fin #q)
  (KeyGen : Rₖ  PubKey × SecKey)
  (Enc    : let Message = 𝟚 in
            PubKey  Message  Rₑ  CipherText)
  (Dec    : let Message = 𝟚 in
            SecKey  CipherText  Message)
  (Check : CipherText  𝟚)
  (CheckEnc :  pk m rₑ  Check (Enc pk m rₑ)  1₂)


unchecked = 0₂
checked = 1₂

Candidate : 
Candidate = 𝟚 -- as in the paper: "for simplicity"

alice bob : Candidate
alice = 0₂
bob   = 1₂

-- candidate order
-- also known as LHS or Message
-- represented by who is the first candidate
CO : 
CO = 𝟚

alice-then-bob bob-then-alice : CO
alice-then-bob = alice
bob-then-alice = bob

data CO-spec : CO  Candidate  Candidate   where
  alice-then-bob-spec : CO-spec alice-then-bob alice bob
  bob-then-alice-spec : CO-spec bob-then-alice bob alice

MarkedReceipt : 
MarkedReceipt = 𝟚

marked-on-first-cell marked-on-second-cell : MarkedReceipt
marked-on-first-cell  = 0₂
marked-on-second-cell = 1₂

data MarkedReceipt-spec : CO  MarkedReceipt  Candidate   where
  m1 : MarkedReceipt-spec alice-then-bob marked-on-first-cell  alice
  m2 : MarkedReceipt-spec alice-then-bob marked-on-second-cell bob
  m3 : MarkedReceipt-spec bob-then-alice marked-on-first-cell  bob
  m4 : MarkedReceipt-spec bob-then-alice marked-on-second-cell alice

data MarkedReceipt? :  where
  not-marked : MarkedReceipt?
  marked     : MarkedReceipt  MarkedReceipt?

-- Receipt or also called RHS
-- Made of a potential mark, a serial number, and an encrypted candidate order
Receipt : 
Receipt = MarkedReceipt? × SerialNumber × CipherText

markedReceipt? : Receipt  MarkedReceipt?
markedReceipt? = proj₁

-- Marked when there is a 1
marked? : MarkedReceipt?  𝟚
marked? not-marked = 0₂
marked? (marked _) = 1₂

marked-on-first-cell? : MarkedReceipt?  𝟚
marked-on-first-cell? not-marked = 0₂
marked-on-first-cell? (marked x) = x == 0₂

marked-on-second-cell? : MarkedReceipt?  𝟚
marked-on-second-cell? not-marked = 0₂
marked-on-second-cell? (marked x) = x == 1₂

Ballot : 
Ballot = CO × Receipt

-- co or also called LHS
co : Ballot  CO
co = proj₁

-- receipt or also called RHS
receipt : Ballot  Receipt
receipt = proj₂

-- randomness for genBallot
Rgb : 
Rgb = CO × SerialNumber × Rₑ

genBallot : PubKey  Rgb  Ballot
genBallot pk (r-co , sn , rₑ) = r-co , not-marked , sn , Enc pk r-co rₑ

mark : CO  Candidate  MarkedReceipt
mark co c = co xor c

mark-ok :  co c  MarkedReceipt-spec co (mark co c) c
mark-ok 1₂ 1₂ = m3
mark-ok 1₂ 0₂ = m4
mark-ok 0₂ 1₂ = m2
mark-ok 0₂ 0₂ = m1

fillBallot : Candidate  Ballot  Ballot
fillBallot c (co , _ , sn , enc-co) = co , marked (mark co c) , sn , enc-co

-- TODO Ballot-spec c (fillBallot b)

BB : 
BB = List Receipt

Tally : 
Tally =  × 

alice-score : Tally  
alice-score = proj₁

bob-score : Tally  
bob-score = proj₂

1:alice-0:bob 0:alice-1:bob : Tally
1:alice-0:bob = 1 , 0
0:alice-1:bob = 0 , 1

data TallyMarkedReceipt-spec : CO  MarkedReceipt  Tally   where
  c1 : TallyMarkedReceipt-spec alice-then-bob marked-on-first-cell  1:alice-0:bob
  c2 : TallyMarkedReceipt-spec alice-then-bob marked-on-second-cell 0:alice-1:bob
  c3 : TallyMarkedReceipt-spec bob-then-alice marked-on-first-cell  0:alice-1:bob
  c4 : TallyMarkedReceipt-spec bob-then-alice marked-on-second-cell 1:alice-0:bob

marked-for-alice? : CO  MarkedReceipt  𝟚
marked-for-alice? co m = co == m

marked-for-bob? : CO  MarkedReceipt  𝟚
marked-for-bob? co m = not (marked-for-alice? co m)

tallyMarkedReceipt : CO  MarkedReceipt  Tally
tallyMarkedReceipt co m = 𝟚▹ℕ for-alice , 𝟚▹ℕ (not for-alice)
  where for-alice = marked-for-alice? co m

tallyMarkedReceipt-ok :  co m  TallyMarkedReceipt-spec co m (tallyMarkedReceipt co m)
tallyMarkedReceipt-ok 1₂ 1₂ = c4
tallyMarkedReceipt-ok 1₂ 0₂ = c3
tallyMarkedReceipt-ok 0₂ 1₂ = c2
tallyMarkedReceipt-ok 0₂ 0₂ = c1

tallyMarkedReceipt? : CO  MarkedReceipt?  Tally
tallyMarkedReceipt? co not-marked    = 0 , 0
tallyMarkedReceipt? co (marked mark) = tallyMarkedReceipt co mark

tallyCheckedReceipt : SecKey  Receipt  Tally
tallyCheckedReceipt sk (marked? , _ , enc-co) = tallyMarkedReceipt? (Dec sk enc-co) marked?

-- Not taking advantage of any homomorphic encryption
tally : SecKey  BB  Tally
tally sk bb = L.foldr (zip-× _+_ _+_) (0 , 0) (L.map (tallyCheckedReceipt sk) bb)

data Accept? :  where
  accept reject : Accept?

-- In the paper RBB is the returning the Tally and we
-- return the BB, here RTally is returning the Tally
data Q :  where
  REB RBB RTally : Q
  RCO            : Receipt  Q
  Vote           : Receipt  Q

Resp : Q  
Resp REB = Ballot
Resp (RCO x) = CO
Resp (Vote x) = Accept?
Resp RBB = BB
Resp RTally = Tally

Phase :   
Phase = Strategy Q Resp

-- How to read types as protocols:
-- A × B   sends A, then behave as B
-- A → B   receives A, then behave as B

RFChallenge :   
RFChallenge Next = (𝟚  Receipt)  Next

Adversary : 
Adversary = Rₐ  PubKey  Phase -- Phase[I]
                             (Phase -- Phase[II]
                               𝟚)) -- Adversary guess of whether the vote is for alice

-- TODO adversary validity
-- Valid-Adversary : Adversary → ★

module Oracle (sk : SecKey) (pk : PubKey) (rgb : Rgb) (bb : BB) where
    resp : (q : Q)  Resp q
    resp REB = genBallot pk rgb
    resp RBB = bb
    resp RTally = tally sk bb
    resp (RCO (_ , _ , receipt)) = Dec sk receipt
    -- do we check if the sn is already here?
    resp (Vote (m? , sn , receipt)) = [0: reject 1: accept ]′ (Check receipt)

    newBB : Q  BB
    newBB (Vote (m? , sn , receipt)) = [0: bb 1: (m? , sn , receipt)  bb ]′ (Check receipt)
    newBB _ = bb

  State : (S A : )  
  State S A = S  A × S
open StatefulRun

PhaseNumber = 𝟚
module EXP (b : 𝟚) (A : Adversary) (pk : PubKey) (sk : SecKey)
           (rₐ : Rₐ) (rgb : Candidate  Rgb)
           (v : PhaseNumber  Vec Rgb #q) where
  BBsetup : BB
  BBsetup = []

  Aphase[I] : Phase _
  Aphase[I] = A rₐ pk

  S = BB × Fin #q

  -- When the adversary runs out of allowed queries (namely
  -- when i becomes zero), then all successive queries will
  -- be deterministic. The only case asking for randomness
  -- is ballot creation.
  OracleS : (phase# : 𝟚) (q : Q)  State S (Resp q)
  OracleS phase# q (bb , i) = O.resp q , O.newBB q , Fin.pred i
    where module O = Oracle sk pk (lookup i (v phase#)) bb

  phase[I] = runS (OracleS 0₂) Aphase[I] (BBsetup , max#q)

  AdversaryRFChallenge : RFChallenge _
  AdversaryRFChallenge = proj₁ phase[I]

  BBphase[I] : BB
  BBphase[I] = proj₁ (proj₂ phase[I])

  ballots : Candidate  Ballot
  ballots c = fillBallot c (genBallot pk (rgb c))

  ballot-for-alice = ballots alice
  ballot-for-bob   = ballots bob

  randomly-swapped-ballots : Candidate  Ballot
  randomly-swapped-ballots = ballots  _xor_ b

  randomly-swapped-receipts : Candidate  Receipt
  randomly-swapped-receipts = receipt  randomly-swapped-ballots

  BBrfc : BB
  BBrfc = randomly-swapped-receipts 0₂  randomly-swapped-receipts 1₂  BBphase[I]

  Aphase[II] : Phase _
  Aphase[II] = AdversaryRFChallenge randomly-swapped-receipts

  phase[II] = runS (OracleS 1₂) Aphase[II] (BBrfc , max#q)

  -- adversary guess
  b′ = proj₁ phase[II]

A ² = A × A

R : 
R = Rₖ × Rₐ × 𝟚 × (Vec Rgb (1{-for the challenge-} + #q))²

game : Adversary  R  𝟚
game A (rₖ , rₐ , b , (rgb₀  rgbs₀) , (rgb₁  rgbs₁)) =
  case KeyGen rₖ of λ
  { (pk , sk) 
    b == EXP.b′ b A pk sk rₐ [0: rgb₀ 1: rgb₁ ] [0: rgbs₀ 1: rgbs₁ ]

-- Winning condition
Win : Adversary  R  
Win A r = game A r  1₂

{- Not all adversaries of the Adversary type are valid.

   First, we do not forbid the challenge in the 2nd step of the Oracle.
   Second, there is no check preventing ballots to be resubmitted.
   Last but not least, no complexity analysis is done.

module Cheating1 where
    cheatingA : Adversary
    cheatingA rₐ pk = done  m  ask (RCO (m 1₂))  co  done (co == (marked-on-second-cell? (markedReceipt? (m 1₂))))))

    module _
     (DecEnc :  rₖ rₑ m  let (pk , sk) = KeyGen rₖ in
                           Dec sk (Enc pk m rₑ)  m) where

        cheatingA-wins :  r  game cheatingA r  1₂
        cheatingA-wins (rₖ , _ , 0₂ , ((co₀ , _ , rₑ₀)  _) , ((co₁ , _ , rₑ₁)  _))
          rewrite DecEnc rₖ rₑ₁ co₁ with co₁
        ... | 0₂ = refl
        ... | 1₂ = refl
        cheatingA-wins (rₖ , _ , 1₂ , ((co₀ , _ , rₑ₀)  _) , ((_ , _ , rₑ₁)  _))
          rewrite DecEnc rₖ rₑ₀ co₀ with co₀
        ... | 0₂ = refl
        ... | 1₂ = refl

module Cheating2 where
    cheatingA : Adversary
    cheatingA rₐ pk = done λ m  ask (Vote (m 1₂))
                                      { accept  ask RTally  { (x , y) 
                                     done (x ==ℕ 2) }) ; reject  done 1₂ })

    module _
     (DecEnc :  rₖ rₑ m  let (pk , sk) = KeyGen rₖ in
                           Dec sk (Enc pk m rₑ)  m) where
     --(check-forget : ∀ x → check (forget x) ≡ just x) where

        cheatingA-wins :  r  game cheatingA r  1₂
        cheatingA-wins (rₖ , _ , 0₂ , ((co₀ , _ , rₑ₀)  _) , ((co₁ , _ , rₑ₁)  _))
           rewrite CheckEnc (proj₁ (KeyGen rₖ)) co₁ rₑ₁
                 | DecEnc rₖ rₑ₀ co₀
                 | DecEnc rₖ rₑ₁ co₁ with co₀ | co₁
        ... | 0₂ | 0₂ = refl
        ... | 0₂ | 1₂ = refl
        ... | 1₂ | 0₂ = refl
        ... | 1₂ | 1₂ = refl
        cheatingA-wins (rₖ , _ , 1₂ , ((co₀ , _ , rₑ₀)  _) , ((co₁ , _ , rₑ₁)  _))
           rewrite CheckEnc (proj₁ (KeyGen rₖ)) co₀ rₑ₀
                 | DecEnc rₖ rₑ₀ co₀
                 | DecEnc rₖ rₑ₁ co₁ with co₀ | co₁
        ... | 0₂ | 0₂ = refl
        ... | 0₂ | 1₂ = refl
        ... | 1₂ | 0₂ = refl
        ... | 1₂ | 1₂ = refl
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}