module Game.Transformation.InternalExternal where
open import Data.Two
open import Data.Nat.NP hiding (_==_)
open import Data.Nat.Distance
open import Data.Product
open import Function
open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Properties
open import Explore.Summable
open import Explore.Sum
open import Explore.Product
open import Explore.Two
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.NP
module GameFlipping (R : Set)(sum : Sum R)(sum-ind : SumInd sum)(⅁ : 𝟚 → R → 𝟚) where
open Operators
X Y : R → 𝟚
X = ⅁ 0₂
Y = ⅁ 1₂
R' = 𝟚 × R
sum' : Sum R'
sum' = 𝟚ˢ ×ˢ sum
open FromSum sum' renaming (count to #'_)
open FromSumInd sum-ind renaming (count to #_)
G : R' → 𝟚
G (b , r) = b == ⅁ b r
1/2 : R' → 𝟚
1/2 = proj₁
lemma : ∀ X → sum (const 1) ≡ #(not ∘ X) + # X
lemma X = sum-ind P refl (λ {a}{b} → part1 {a}{b}) part2
count = FromSum.count
P = λ s → s (const 1) ≡ count s (not ∘ X) + count s X
part1 : ∀ {s₀ s₁} → P s₀ → P s₁ → P (λ f → s₀ f + s₁ f)
part1 {s₀} {s₁} Ps₀ Ps₁ rewrite Ps₀ | Ps₁ = +-interchange (count s₀ (not ∘ X)) (count s₀ X) (count s₁ (not ∘ X)) (count s₁ X)
part2 : ∀ x → P (λ f → f x)
part2 x with X x
part2 x | 0₂ = refl
part2 x | 1₂ = refl
thm : dist (#' G) (#' 1/2) ≡ dist (# Y) (# X)
thm = dist (#' G) (#' 1/2)
≡⟨ cong (dist (#' G)) helper ⟩
dist (#' G) (#(not ∘ X) + # X)
≡⟨ refl ⟩
dist (# (_==_ 0₂ ∘ X) + # (_==_ 1₂ ∘ Y)) (# (not ∘ X) + # X)
≡⟨ refl ⟩
dist (# (not ∘ X) + # Y) (# (not ∘ X) + # X)
≡⟨ dist-x+ (# (not ∘ X)) (# Y) (# X) ⟩
dist (# Y) (# X)
open ≡-Reasoning
helper = #' 1/2
≡⟨ refl ⟩
sum (const 0) + sum (const 1)
≡⟨ cong (λ p → p + sum (const 1)) sum-zero ⟩
sum (const 1)
≡⟨ lemma X ⟩
# (not ∘ X) + # X