{-# OPTIONS --without-K --copatterns #-}
open import Type
open import Data.Bit
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat.NP hiding (_==_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Product
open import Control.Strategy renaming (run to runStrategy; map to mapStrategy)
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Explore.Core
open import Explore.Properties
open import Explore.Explorable renaming (module Explorable₀ to Exp
; module FromExplore₀ to FE)
open import Explore.Product
open Operators
import Game.IND-CCA2-dagger
import Game.IND-CCA2
import Game.IND-CCA
import Game.IND-CPA-utils
module Game.Transformation.CCA2-CCA2d
(PubKey : ★)
(SecKey : ★)
(Message : ★)
(CipherText : ★)
(Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ : ★)
(KeyGen : Rₖ → PubKey × SecKey)
(Enc : PubKey → Message → Rₑ → CipherText)
(Dec : SecKey → CipherText → Message)
Rₐ† = Bit × Rₑ × Rₐ
module CCA2d = Game.IND-CCA2-dagger PubKey SecKey Message CipherText
Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ KeyGen Enc Dec
module CCA2 = Game.IND-CCA2 PubKey SecKey Message CipherText
Rₑ Rₖ Rₐ† KeyGen Enc Dec
open Game.IND-CPA-utils Message CipherText
open CPAAdversary
CPA-transform : PubKey → Bit → Rₑ
→ CPAAdversary (CipherText → DecRound Bit)
→ CPAAdversary (DecRound Bit)
get-m (CPA-transform pk t rₑ A) = get-m A
put-c (CPA-transform pk t rₑ A) c = put-c A c (Enc pk (proj (get-m A) t) rₑ)
A-transform : CCA2d.Adversary → CCA2.Adversary
A-transform adv (t , rₑ , rₐ) pk = mapStrategy (CPA-transform pk t rₑ) (adv rₐ pk)
correct : ∀ {rₑ rₑ' rₖ rₐ} b adv
→ CCA2d.EXP b adv (rₐ , rₖ , rₑ , rₑ')
≡ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform adv) ((not b , rₑ' , rₐ) , rₖ , rₑ)
correct {rₑ}{rₑ' = ra}{rₖ = r}{rₐ} 1b adv with KeyGen r
... | pk , sk = cong (λ x → runStrategy (Dec sk) (put-c x (Enc pk (proj₂ (get-m x)) rₑ)))
(sym (run-map (Dec sk) (CPA-transform pk 0b ra) (adv rₐ pk)))
correct {rₑ}{rₑ' = ra}{rₖ = r}{rₐ} 0b adv with KeyGen r
... | pk , sk = cong (λ x → runStrategy (Dec sk) (put-c x (Enc pk (proj₁ (get-m x)) rₑ)))
(sym (run-map (Dec sk) (CPA-transform pk 1b ra) (adv rₐ pk)))
module Theorem
(μₑ : Explore₀ Rₑ)
(μₖ : Explore₀ Rₖ)
(μₐ : Explore₀ Rₐ)
(μₑⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μₑ)
(μₖⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μₖ)
(μₐⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μₐ)
open import Explore.Two
module CCA2dA = CCA2d.Advantage μₑ μₖ μₐ
module CCA2A = CCA2.Advantage μₑ μₖ (𝟚ᵉ ×ᵉ μₑ ×ᵉ μₐ)
R' : Set
R' = Rₑ × Rₑ × Rₑ × Rₖ × Rₐ
R2 : Set
R2 = Bit × R'
μR' : Explore₀ R'
μR' = μₑ ×ᵉ μₑ ×ᵉ μₑ ×ᵉ μₖ ×ᵉ μₐ
μR'ⁱ : ExploreInd₀ μR'
μR'ⁱ = μₑⁱ ×ⁱ μₑⁱ ×ⁱ μₑⁱ ×ⁱ μₖⁱ ×ⁱ μₐⁱ
μR2 : Explore₀ R2
μR2 = 𝟚ᵉ ×ᵉ μR'
module μR' = Exp μR'ⁱ
module μR2 = FE μR2
# : ∀ {Y : Set} → Bit → (Bit → Y → R2 → Bit) → Y → ℕ
# b F adv = μR2.count (F b adv)
lift-CCA2 : Bit → CCA2.Adversary → R2 → Bit
lift-CCA2 b adv (rt , re , _ , rea , rk , ra) =
CCA2.EXP b adv ((rt , rea , ra) , (rk , re)) == b
lift-CCA2d : Bit → CCA2d.Adversary → R2 → Bit
lift-CCA2d b adv (_ , re , re' , _ , rk , ra) = CCA2d.EXP b adv (ra , rk , re , re') == b
dbl-thm : ∀ {n} → n + n ≡ 2 * n
dbl-thm {n} rewrite ℕ°.+-comm n 0 = refl
lemma : ∀ b A+ → # b lift-CCA2d A+ ≤ 2 * # b lift-CCA2 (A-transform A+)
lemma b A+ = μR2.sum (λ { (_ , re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re')) ⟧ })
≡⟨ dbl-thm {μR'.sum _} ⟩ 2 *
(μR'.sum (λ { (re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re')) ⟧ }))
≤⟨ s≤s (s≤s (z≤n {0})) *-mono lem ⟩ 2 *
μR2.sum (λ { (t , re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧})
open ≤-Reasoning
⟦_⟧ : Bit → ℕ
⟦ x ⟧ = Bit▹ℕ (x == b)
lem1 : ∀ (f : Rₑ → ℕ) → FE.sum μₑ (λ x → FE.sum μₑ (λ y → f x))
≡ FE.sum μₑ (λ x → FE.sum μₑ (λ y → f y))
lem1 f = Exp.sum-swap' μₑⁱ {_} {FE.sum μₑ} (Exp.sum-zero μₑⁱ) (Exp.sum-hom μₑⁱ) (λ x y → f x)
lem4 : ∀ b (f : Bit → R' → ℕ) → μR'.sum (f b) + μR'.sum (f (not b)) ≡ μR2.sum (λ { (t , r) → f t r})
lem4 1b f = ℕ°.+-comm (μR'.sum (f 1b)) (μR'.sum (f 0b))
lem4 0b f = refl
lem : μR'.sum (λ { (re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re')) ⟧ })
≤ μR2.sum (λ { (t , re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧})
lem = (μR'.sum (λ { (re , re' , _ , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re')) ⟧ }))
≡⟨ Exp.sum-ext μₑⁱ (λ re → lem1 (λ re' → _)) ⟩
(μR'.sum (λ { (re , _ , re' , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2d.EXP b A+ ((ra , rk , re , re')) ⟧ }))
≡⟨ μR'.sum-ext (λ _ → cong ⟦_⟧ (correct b A+) )⟩
μR'.sum (λ { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((not b , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧})
≤⟨ n≤m+n (μR'.sum (λ { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((b , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧})) _ ⟩ (
μR'.sum (λ { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((b , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧})
+ μR'.sum (λ { (re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((not b , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧}))
≡⟨ lem4 b (λ { t (re , _ , rea , rk , ra) → ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧ }) ⟩
μR2.sum (λ { (t , re , _ , rea , rk , ra)
→ ⟦ CCA2.EXP b (A-transform A+) ((t , rea , ra) , rk , re) ⟧})